Thursday 30 May 2013 I said yesterday, things never seem to go as you think they should.  The good news is that my cancer has not progressed at all since my PET a few months ago, the bad news is that because of my high white blood cell and platelet counts I have been excluded from the trial.  Yesterday the doctor called and softened the he delivered the punch!  We will continue to investigate what the possible cause of this could be and should it return to more normal levels I could once again be considered for this trial.  In the meantime.....more tests....lots of questions.  I have never been normal....this doctor just doesn't realize it.  Years ago I had elevated liver enzymes.  My doctor put me through just about every test imaginable and these tests went on for years!  I had ultra sounds, was tested for hepatitis, had a barium enema etc. etc.  At one point I was sent to a liver specialist who was considering doing a liver biopsy but because of my excellent health decided we would just do the watchful wait  My doctor finally retired and I went to a new doctor.  On my first appointment she sent me for bloodwork,  When I got to the lab they noticed that she had ticked off one test and then crossed it out but decided to be safe they would do the test anyways.  A few days later my doctor called me to come in for a consult.  She was shaking her head as she told me she didn't even know why she would order this test because I had exhibited none of the symptoms associated with hypothyroid.  Symptoms included weight gain, no energy etc.  I had none of these symptoms, however, my thyroid was low and I was put on synthroid.  Miraculously, my liver enzymes then normalized!  It was all a totally comedy of errors that got me to that point.  I'm not saying that will be the case with my white cells.  They are extremely high but again I am not showing any symptoms.  Normally a person with these levels would be very sick, very tired.....not well.  Of course I'm not well but for what I have I'm doing pretty darn good.  So, I had my ten minute weep and have decided to move forward.  Who knows maybe these white cells are the reason my cancer has not progressed.  I have time and time again joked with my family and said it's time for me to cure myself because the doctors sure aren't doing it.  So I guess this trip really has turned into a vacation after all.  We will probably stay here for at least a week as Kelli is coming out to do some work here and it would be nice for her to have a place to stay.  Today it continues to drizzle with grey skies overhead but we have had a good day.  We walked across the bridge this morning and did some birthday present shopping.  This afternoon we donned our bike gear and did a ride down Marine Drive looking at many fancy homes and fancy cars parked in front of them.  Mega bucks in that neighbourhood, that's for sure!  The ride was really pretty but was 90% hills.  You were either going up or you were going down and there were a couple of hills I think I left a lung on!  We got back to the RV park and I took Boomer for his walk along the river and then we hit the hot tub!  I'm just a little pooped tonight.  Think I'm going to sleep like a rock!

Excellent news today for my friend Sandy!  Her new lungs arrived in Edmonton this morning and she was undergoing her lung transplant today!  I am anxiously awaiting news of how the surgery went but have no doubt it will be great!  She is a feisty little thing and has been working so hard over these past few months to regain her strength so she would be ready for this big day!  Go Sandy, Go!!!!!

Big thanks to those of you who have been sending me emails.  It's been wonderful!  Newsy pieces that have brought smiles to my face!  My only concern is that you all might run out of things to write about! Just so you know....I really appreciate those emails!  Makes me feel like I'm home with you!

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