Sunday 12 May 2013

Happy Mother's Day to all those Moms out there!  Hope everyone had a day to remember!  I just checked my facebook page and had to smile at some of the pics posted of some of you with your Moms.  My Mom has been gone almost twelve years now but today is a day to smile about her too.  I can only give thanks that she was my Mom and an awesome one at that!  We all miss her for sure but more importantly I know that we all feel blessed that she was in our lives!

I have had a lovely day today.  Pretty laid back to be honest but a day I was ready for.  Of course being away for the past couple of weeks I had to pick up some groceries and was stunned by the number of people hanging out at Costco!  I was thinking to myself..."Don't these people have something better to do on Mothers Day?"  and then I had to laugh because I was there too!
Got that job done though and then Bill and I headed over to visit his Mom and Dad.  Had a really nice visit then home to walk Boomer!  We had a good tromp in the ravine and I'm now going to go get changed to head over to Geoff and Lindsey's for dinner!  Kelli is working in Invermere today but we celebrated Mother's Day yesterday together on the golf course.  I feel spoiled....two Mothers Days!  Kind of like my birthday.....I celebrate it all month!

Wishing you all a day to enjoy your kids!  I can only smile when I look back on the last thirty years!  I was out for coffee with a friend awhile back and I looked at her and said that sometimes I just shake my head and wonder what I ever did to deserve two such fabulous children!  She looked at me and said "You worked damn hard!"  True, but looking back on it you tend to forget the hard part of it.  I seem to remember all the wonderful things....going camping, cheering them on in their various sporting events, summer holidays, birthday parties, Christmas mornings, family dinners, flying kites, reading books, the list goes on and on and on!  Geoff and Lindsey's good friends Ryan and Candance just had a baby girl this week.  I want to tell them to savour every moment because when the childhood years are over you look back and say...."Oh my gosh....where did the time go?  Whatever happened to my babies?  They are so big! They are so grown up!"  My friend Brenda confessed to me that sometimes she feels like she'd like a do over!  I totally know what she means!  I had to laugh when reading Kim's facebook post today.  She claims to be the favourite child in her family.....her brothers' response......"I have the t-shirt that says I'm the favourite child!"  The same thing happened to my kids a couple of Christmases ago.  I had found these Christmas ornaments with elves on them. Traditionally I put an ornament in everyone's stocking every Christmas.  Geoff's Elf had the inscription "First Born....Mom's favourite".....Kelli's elf was inscribed "Youngest Child......Mom's favourite!"  The best part was that they each pulled the ornament out of the stocking simultaneously and the smug look they gave each other was totally priceless.  And of course what was inscribed was totally true.  Geoff IS my first born favourite child and Kelli IS my youngest favourite child!

Love you both.......Thank you for the gifts you give me every single day!  The gifts of love and care and for being the awesome people you both are....... You both make me so happy....and remember....
"If Mamma ain't ones happy!"


  1. After having read Leslie's blog today, I felt compelled to respond. To the individual that sent the letter to the CBE, shame on you, you sicken me! I hate to think that you even belong to the same human race as the rest of us! Leslie has been fighting for her life for a year and a half with more courage, grace, dignity and strength then any of us have or show in an entire lifetime! She has managed to keep her tremendous sense of humour even on her darkest days. I suspect that you have never even met this amazing woman and you are someone who just spends time looking for ways to hurt people. You are a waste of skin! My friend Leslie continues to inspire all of us that know and love her by her everyday actions. Her blogging is not only therapeutic for her but personally I very much appreciate it to also keep up with her. To have something like this that you have done to add to all of her very real issues it actually makes me sad for you. To do something this awful I suspect you must be an extremely lonely,angry individual. Doesn't matter though, there is no excuse for what you have done to this incredible woman! Shame on you!

  2. Leslie: I have to respond to the anonymous, small minded, gutless individual looking for self gratification at the expense of others who sent the letter. Like everyone else I was angry when I first saw it, but after reading it again my anger turned to pity for this poor individual and hope they get the help needed to deal with their obvious deficiencies.
    To the anonymous writer, it’s important that you recognize the difference between self-esteem issues and stupid because your interpretation of Leslie’s blog as getting ready to scam the system leads me and others to believe you are stupid. Unfortunately for you, like many types of cancer, stupid is incurable.
    Wayne Greathouse
    Corpus Christi, Texas

  3. Happy Mother's Day! Your kids are awesome and Ryan and I are so glad to be a part of their lives. I already know what you mean about them growing up. Clare is only a week old and already she's changed so much. It's pretty amazing to watch and still wonder what's next to come. We'll be bringing her along to the Fundraiser (yes we are bringing our baby to Shanks!). The littlest Honey Badger will be excited to meet such a strong and inspirational woman! See you soon.
    Candace, Ryan & Clare
