Tuesday 12 March 2013

 I just love days like today!  Started out a little slow as I had to spend a significant amount of time on the phone......First call was to Mass. Hospital in Boston.  I am registering there for a possible drug trial.  Just a little back up insurance should my scan not be what it's supposed to be.  The usual type of call to the US.  "You are calling from where?"  "What's your zip code?"  "Your doctors' name does not appear to be in our registry...?"  answer....she's from Canada..."Oh yeah....Canada..."It was quite a lengthy call.  I don't know if anything will come from this....hoping I won't need it but the one thing I have learned through all of this is it's good to have a back up plan and to be ready to roll.  Thanks to my darling daughter who is always looking out for me.  She's always one step ahead of the rest of us.  I am so lucky to have her.

After that call, I had a second call, also to the US about my Kindle.  I have been having problems with it.  I can't turn it on or off without first hooking it up to my computer.  We went through the same registration stuff as I did for the hospital.  She kept putting me on hold for "just a minute" which was more like ten minutes and I had to listen to classical piano music which was really starting to get to me. Not that I don't like classical piano but I was on my cell and I kept thinking how many minutes I was eating up.  For some reason I had to purchase a hard copy book and put it in my shopping cart so they could verify my card.  Weird.  All this took up even more time, mostly because of my incompetence.  The good news though, after asking me if I had dropped it was that they are sending me a new kindle and a coupon to mail the old one back, no charge!  Talk about standing behind your product.  I was pretty pleased with that.

Finished up this business and met my friend Maureen for coffee.  Lucky bum is heading back to Maui in a week!  She's going to be there for a month!  I'm turning just a little green (with envy) even thinking about it.

From the coffee shop, up to the Winter Club for a hot yoga class.  I was feeling pretty yogieish today as the girl next to me was even worse than I.  She made me feel like a star!  She was however, quite annoying.  There were only about ten people in the class so plenty of room for all.  Where does she park her mat...???  About six inches away from mine.  Then she appeared to not know what right and left meant because she was always going the opposite direction to everyone else, consequently we bumped a couple of times.  I finally relented and moved my mat away even though I was there first and was being a little stubborn, thinking she should be the one to move.  That was fine until we were told to move to the wall.  She parks right beside me again.  Duh.....Grrrr......Then to top it off she decides she has to leave ten minutes before the end of the class.  She goes in and out the door at least three times letting in all the cold air then proceeds to spray down her mat and clean it while the rest of us are trying to relax in our final shivassen aka nap time.  I'm sure I wasn't the only one unimpressed but she was totally and absolutely oblivious.  Takes all kinds I guess.

Finally headed home and took Boomer out for his walk.  What a glorious afternoon out there!  A day that makes you believe that spring might actually be on it's way.  I have definitely seen some signs of it.  When we were visiting my brother I saw my first pussy willows of the season...oh joy..... The second sign does not give me as much pleasure.....clumps of black hair all over my house!

Geoff called me today and I stand corrected on misinformation in yesterdays blog....I said that the Honey Badgers had raised 50% of their goal!  Geoff called and corrected me....they are no where near 50%.  Lots of time though....and thanks for the yesterdays' donations!  Much appreciated!  Every bit counts!

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