Sunday 10 February 2013

Today, I have decided everyone has listened to enough whining from me this week!  Yes, it has been a bit of a rough go.  No, I don't think I'm tolerating the chemo as well as I used to.  Yes, I've been quite sick since Tuesday.  No, I haven't lost my spark!  I think I'm just realizing I'm going to have to bear down and handle it for the next couple of rounds.  I've put this body through a lot this past year and I think it's starting to rebel a little.  Can't say as I blame it!

Having said that I think we're all ready for something a little more upbeat today.  Got up this morning....still a little rough....still a little sick....dragging my heels. (I know, I wasn't going to whine)
Worked on a photo album of Geoff's first year that I'm redoing and tried to psych myself up to head out for a walk.  Every time I moved, Boomer looked up at me expectantly.  Jenifer arrived at one point and when I opened the door he trotted out and straight over to her car expecting that she was there to take him for his walk.....Yes, that's our Boomer....It's always, all about him!  He was more than a little miffed when I called him back in the house, realizing that that wasn't why she was there at all.  Got off my chair at least four times to put my coat on and each time headed back to the chair.  Finally decided I was being ridiculous.  Either call it and don't go or put on the darn jacket and boots and get on with it.  Jacket and boots it was and off we headed to the off leash park.  It was cooler than I was expecting but was a beautiful clear, sunny day and the park was full of like minded dog owners.  I sprung Boomer from the back hatch and started heading up to the park entrance.  He was long gone...he knows the routine and doesn't need to wait for me.  As I approached I glanced over at a hyper, barking dog who was literally straining on his leash and walking upright on his hind legs.  His owner, a young girl was restraining him and gently explaining to him that she would set him loose when they got to the gate.  Like he understood!  He just got worse.  I'm looking at her and thinking to myself....this one's a candidate for the "Dog Whisperer."  This behaviour continued all the way up to the gate where she rewarded him by letting him loose.  I just shook my head.  Continued on down the trail and was almost totally bowled over by a young golden retriever who leapt up and placed both big paws firmly in the centre of my back.  I'm not sure but I think he was going for the tassel on my toque.  The owner was mortified.  I assured him everything was fine....but in my head I'm whisperer!  Continued on for another few minutes and was joined by an exuberant Schnauzer who had decided he would rather accompany Boomer and I than his own owner. She called and called and called but I seriously think he may have been hearing impaired (right!)  She finally came racing across the field and physically grabbed and dragged him back with whisperer.  Suddenly I caught myself in a thought.  Boomer is nine years old.  He is a much better, albeit not perfect listener than he once was but there was a time when I had my share of incidents on the hill that warranted a second look from other dog owners.  I have definitely shared some of these but don't think I ever told the story of the cyclist and his husky.  One beautiful spring day I had a phone call from an old friend, a fellow teacher, who was off on leave at the time.  She wanted to join Boomer and I for a destressing walk on the hill.  I hadn't seen her in awhile and we had much to catch up on.  We agreed to meet at the park and set off on our walk.  We were busy talking, talking, talking and Boomer was busy doing his thing.  Frankly, I wasn't really paying any attention at all to what he was doing.  Suddenly I became aware that a cyclist was approaching.  Now this wasn't just a run of the mill cyclist.  This was a "serious" cyclist.  Designer jersey and matching riding pants, clip in shoes, racing stripe helmet, expensive bike......get the picture?  He also had a beautiful, young husky running beside him on a very short leash.  I had this terrible premonition.  One thing I knew about my dog was that he had a thing for "loving" huskies".  For some strange, unexplainable reason he went through a period of time when he humped every husky he ever came across.  It was soooo embarrassing.  Perhaps it was their plush, soft coats?  I don't know.....  I glanced over at Boomer and knew immediately that that was what he too was thinking.  He took off towards the cyclist at a dead run.  I was running and calling him but his hearing mechanism was shut off and he was totally focussed on the prize in front of him.  The cyclist didn't even see it coming.  As Boomer reached the pair, the young dog scooted around the back of the bike and because he was on such a short leash he upset the rider who came crashing down to the ground in a big heap.  Meanwhile Boomer was having his bliss and honestly I don't think the husky minded one little bit!.  The guy jumped up.....Oh boy was he mad.  He was screaming all sorts of obscenities.....mostly "Get your F*&#ing dog off my dog".  All the while he was screaming he was trying to kick Boomer but obviously didn't want to kick his own dog.  I was now running full tilt, yelling for him not to kick my dog.  I would get him.  The guy just got more and more infuriated.  Now, my friend was kicking into full stress mode.  Here she was out for a walk to get rid of stress and she is now in full on stress herself.  She has now joined in yelling at the guy, telling him he doesn't understand dog behaviour and what the heck was he doing running the dog behind his bike in an off leash park, etc. etc.  There I was, throwing in my two bits as well and chaos was happening everywhere.  Finally I managed to haul Boomer off and the guy got back on his bike and cycled off, all the while hurling obscenities over his shoulder at us.  We were so upset!    For weeks I watched for that guy every time I went to the park but fortunately he never showed up again.  Makes me realize I may have been a good candidate for a session with Cesar Millan, myself!!!  I have many other similar stories so the next time I get this attitude that"My dogs better behaved than yours",  I will just revisit some of these memories.  More than a little humbling!

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