Sunday 23 December 2012

Thought this one was kind of cute.  Using this guide my elf nameI would be Tinker Super Plum and Bill is Nipper Pickle-pants.  I personally think Bill's elf name really suits him! ( It sure is a good thing he does not frequent this blob.)

Days continue to be quiet and I continue to be more than happy to stay indoors.  Have had lots of visitors which tends to pass the time nicely.  Can hardly believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve.  I have found it surprisingly easy to slip into the Christmas regime of eating Christmas goodies thanks to friends who have dropped off AMAZING baking!  Must confess my favourite is most definitely butter tarts.  I I tucked into the last of Caroline's cinnamon buns (before my first round of chemo I managed to gain almost 30 pounds on a steady diet of delicious gooey cinnamon buns)  Having said that I am not looking to gain 30 pounds, that's for sure.  It was just a couple of weeks ago I dropped my fat pants in the goodwill depot.  I couldn't stand the sight of them!

Not a lot to report today.  Each day I notice improvements, slow to be sure but definitely there.  I have to remind myself over and over that I need to be patient.  I saw that by next Friday they are predicting the end of this cold snap so my goal is to get outside and get back to the business of walking.  I must confess I have not been great at that since my surgery but know for sure it is the medicine that will get me up and feeling better.

I am not going to ramble tonight.  Hopefully each and every one of you is thoroughly wrapped up in the business of Christmas and family!  Love every minute!  It's over so fast!
Merry, Merry Christmas!!!!!!


  1. Wrapping is done and I have enjoyed a few baking delights myself!!! Can't wait for the warmer weather - I have to shovel all of my dear friends driveways that are enjoying their vacations in Maui (brats!!!)
    Merry Christmas!

    Cookie McJingles!!!

    1. A huge mahalo from Maui cookie!!!

      Love ya lots

      "happy sparkly toes!!!"


  2. You make me laugh hahhaa
    Cookie Toe-Bells loves you :)
