Tuesday 6 November 2012

A beautiful day here today....91 degrees around mid day!  The nice thing about Hawaii though is that it never seems swelteringly hot.  Just pleasant.  We were all in bed bright and early last night as predicted and slept for a solid nine hours!  Got up and headed down to the beach to check out the snorkelling.  More turtles, a barracuda and assorted other fish but the water was a little rough and thus a little murky.  No problem....we enjoyed the beach and did some serious people watching.  Headed back to the condo for lunch then Maureen and I headed out to do a little shopping, Duane went for a bike ride and Bill went out to get us a new snorkel bag.  Maureen and I stopped at the store and bought an avocado.  They are mutant size here!!  Continue to feel really good but not looking forward to my return.  We get home Sunday at 6:30 AM.  I have to get my blood work done Monday, chemo Tuesday, Doctor's appointment Wednesday but leave again Friday to go to Vancouver for a girl's weekend with Kelli!  I suspect my doctor and medical team are getting a little tired of maneuvering my treatment program around my holiday schedule!  Kelli thinks otherwise....she thinks they are delighted I am leading the quality life I am!

Bought a new tank top today with a Hawian expression on it  "YOLO"  which stands for You only live once!  Will wear it for tomorrow's blog!   In my opinion we all need to live our lives following that philosophy!  I have kept in touch with my hospital room mate.  She is doing quite well but has periods where she is fatigued and sometimes has issues eating and drinking.  She told me she is envious of my travel and wishes she had done more travelling like Geoff and Lindsey are doing when she was younger.  She also told me she has always wanted to go to Las Vegas and is hoping that when she is "better" she and her husband will go.  I have been nudging her to go now telling her that if we have learned one thing through this experience it should be to not put things off.  There are no guarantees in this life!  If there's something you want to do, something you want to say......get on with it.  Not sure if she appreciates my prodding but if she's serious about wanting to do this....why wait!  I was so pleased when Kelli told me her friend from medical school who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and is now in treatment decided that if I could be doing the things I'm doing, so could she.  She and her husband just took a trip to New York and had a blast!  Way to go Nureeen!  You go girl!  This treatment thing isn't fun so we have to make our own fun!  Glad to hear you are doing just that!

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