Friday 14 June 2013

Again, my apologies to the worriers in my group of friends.  I have been going through a bit of a rough patch the last couple of weeks but am hoping we have turned the corner.  I feel much, much better this morning and even managed to eat a large bowl of oatmeal for breakfast!  Everyone is trying to feed me constantly but I have intermittent bouts of nausea which hasn't helped the appetite much I'm afraid.  We had planned to head out to Windermere for a few days but those plans are on hold until I am sure that everything is back as it should be.  I have started some new pain medications and am hoping that once the drugs kick in for the CML, the pain issues will be resolved.  They are pretty much unexplainable right now......even I wonder at times if it's all in my head and was so grateful when the Dr. Hagen looked at me and said "You are not crazy!"  I know some of you would dispute that comment!

I had a lovely invitation yesterday to participate in the opening ceremonies of the Ride.  At the beginning of the ceremony four participants push in a white bicycle which represents all the people who are unable to do the ride.  I am touched an honored by this invitation and look forward to taking part.  Our team has now raised $116,223 and are hanging on to 6th place so far.  Most of the teams in the top ten are corporate teams so our little team of 32 is looking pretty strong!

Thanks to all of you who have expressed your concern for me over the past few days.....even Edie who sent my lots of love and hugs.....and Edie is not a hugger!!!

""Hope" is the thing with feathers—
That perches in the soul—
And sings the tune without the words—
And never stops—at all—

And sweetest—in the Gale—is heard—
And sore must be the storm—
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm—

I've heard it in the chillest land—
And on the strangest Sea—
Yet, never, in Extremity,
It asked a crumb—of Me

(The above poem is from Kelli)

And speaking of hope.....thanks to my friend who sent this to me this morning!  Loved it and it's so so true!

Hi Leslie! I'm sure Kelli shared this picture with you but just in case she didn't....

I think we could learn something from these guys - when faced with even the smallest chance of a good thing (a treat or maybe trying to find the one small piece of good news in a bad day) put on a great big smile and hope for the best!
Featured above are two of the most "treat" orientated creatures on the planet earth!!!

So here's my treat for the day!  I must confess when Geoff and Lindsey told me they were coming over to join in the fatten up Leslie campaign I was a little apprehensive.  Lindsey mixed up a smoothie in my vitamix with the following ingredients which also made me raise my eye brows a little. I have, however been trying to add Kale to my diet as it is one of the power house foods out there but until now have not been able to find a pleasant way to eat it.  It tried sauté, I tried boiling it, I tried Kale chips but this is by far the best alternative yet!  Thankyou LIndsey! And although you might think it looks gross it is actually really, really tasty! 
Kale, frozen pineapple, apple, banana, orange juice, flaxseeds (also can add strawberries, spinach frozen peaches and carrots).

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