Wednesday 13 June 2012

I have received so many great quotes and I am stashing them all away.  I've always been a quote girl.
As I mentioned yesterday I have puzzled over the doctor calling me a farmer and really couldn't figure out what it was he was trying to say.  Thank you Monica for clearing that one up for me.  Because you wrote it so eloquently, as you always do I am going to write exactly what you wrote to me here because I LOVED IT.  Monica is a Saskatchewan girl and she described it to me like this.......(her writing.... and I hope she doesn't mind me sharing it with you!)

"A farmer just straps on his boots and goes out and gets the job done, no discussion,no deep thoughts, just the job like he has done a million times over.  It is this sense of duty and calm that I really do admire. With a battle you can win or lose if you are not prepared, not strategic enough etc.  And I always feel a sense of blame if one does not fight hard enough.  The farmer analogy is about duty and the rhythm of doing the job and seeing it through to completion with hope that it will be a good crop  No fireworks, no champagne, just the work that needs to be done, come rain or shine."

I really loved this description.  And on a side bar my should write a book about anything you like!  You have the gift of expression!!  So I guess Dr. Essaw was paying me a compliment after all.

This morning I had to take my antibiotic orally for the first time.  Up until now I have just popped it in my tube.  To make it worse the pill is a bloody horse pill.  I just looked at it and thought however am I going to swallow that monster.  So I cut it into four pieces and proceeded to swallow it.  Because I am still in danger of aspirating when I eat and drink I have to tuck my chin to my throat when I swallow.  This manually seals off the airway passage.  So, I popped in piece #1, took a swig of juice and tried to swallow.  Didn't go down!  Tried again....didn't go down.....starting to sweat here a bit.....actually downright panic because by next week I need to an expert in the art of swallowing pills.  Finally got the damn thing down but I do challenge you if you take pills, try taking it like I have described and see how you do.  It ain't easy!  I've still got a week to practice so hopefully will have mastered the art of swallowing a pill without aspirating it into my lungs.

Eating is going well.  Ate pretty much a full fish dinner last night and had a bowl of oatmeal and berries for breakfast this morning.  The strangest thing happened this morning though.  I have missed my coffee.  Always drank way more than I should have because I LOVE  coffee.  So Bill pours me a quarter of a cup and I go to take a drink and  SHOCK OF SHOCKS...... I didn't like it!  Maybe I'll be going back to being a tea drinker.  How does this happen?  I have been so looking forward to that swig.....I did enjoy my taste when we were in Cochrane but it was a latte.  Perhaps I will just be a latte girl.  In any case, probably not a terrible thing, but certainly a shock to me.

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