Thursday 14 June 2012

I'm driving to the hospital this morning thinking to myself, "This is the best I've felt in weeks."  I'm back sleeping in my bed which has gotten rid of my swollen ankles.  I'm eating a pretty normal diet, although quantity is a bit of a problem.  My energy is improving every day......things are looking up. Then I arrived at the hospital, got my parking ticket and started doing laps around the parking lot as were many other vehicles.  The lot was obviously full and they had not put up the full sign so we are all cruising like sharks looking for a spot to park.  I actually drove at about two miles an hour behind a gentleman returning to his vehicle and even when he got to his vehicle I had to be aggressive as there was someone coming the other direction who thought he'd take that spot.  HA!  I SHOWED HIM!!  By now I'm slightly late for my 9 AM appointment with the nurse practitioner I saw only two days ago.  Couldn't figure out why I had to see her again and I was right.  We basically talked about the same stuff, although I did get a referral to a dietician.  I am dying to get off of this feeding tube.  One of the reasons my ankles were swelling was because I was suffering from malnutrition.  The stuff they are pumping into my gut isn't fully absorbed and I guess I was missing all sorts of things in my diet.  Since I've been taking in food my mouth this problem has sorted itself out.  I'm a long ways from being free of it but it is a step in the right direction.  They will want me to keep it for awhile when I start chemo because hydration is extremely important and I'm just not taking in enough fluid by mouth to meet these needs.  Anyways....finished with the Nurse Practitoner and they discovered I had not been booked for the hydration I was supposed to have this morning.  After checking the earliest I could get in today would be 2:15 so we decided I would do it on Monday when I have to go back for more bloodwork before they start my chemo on Tuesday.  I AM SO SICK OF THE FOOTHILLS HOSPITAL.

Yesterday I mentioned the difficulty I was having swallowing my pills.  Well, Marian (and I know you read this blog) came up with a brilliant suggestion.  Put the pill in applesauce or something with some substance to it and swallow it!  Worked like a charm!  Thankyou Marian!  This morning things went way better.

Just getting ready to head out to Nose Hill with my walking partner and then we are heading off to the vet for shots and a check on the ears.  When we were out in Windermere we took Boomer swimming but did not put in his ear drops.  Ear infection!  No one can stand to be near him he smells so bad.
The good news is that Boomer must be the only dog in the universe who loves going to the vet!

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