Saturday 8 September 2012

I keep looking at my garden and thinking I’ve got to do something with all the stuff in it.  Bill loves beets and always plants way to many of them.  I like them but hate cooking and preparing them.  Too much fuss and muss for me.  In any case I don’t want to see them go to waste so this morning tackled some of them and turned them into borche.  I didn’t even make a dent in the number of beets in the garden after making a triple batch of soup.

Met Colleen and Edie for lunch.  Colleen is in the final stretch of her pregnancy.  She is more than anxious to be on with it!  Two weeks to go til her due date but I think she would have gladly gone into labor over lunch and delivered right in the restaurant if she could have.  She has not had the easiest of pregnancies and those of us who have had babies know those last few weeks can seem like eternity when you are waiting for your baby to make it’s entrance.  Here’s hoping that the delivery will be speedy and painless! many of us experienced it that way?  Not too many I’m thinking.

Started packing up the trailer when I got home.  Very excited about our upcoming trip to the Grand Canyon!  I will take my computer and hopefully can post some pictures along the way providing we land in spots with wifi.  The blog may become a bit sporadic over the next three weeks.

I did get a few responses to yesterdays rant!  One friend suggested I should be writing to MLA’s etc. and voicing my opinion.  I’m thinking that might be a very good plan!  Love being the rebel and it’s a cause worth fighting for.

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