Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Missed doing my blog last night.  9 PM arrived and I just crashed!  Had the best sleep I have had in quite some time!  Go pretty strong through the day but by mid evening start to run out of gas.

Up this morning to play golf.  Dad had to do a repeat trip to Cranbrook this morning.  Kelli had phoned to confirm his appointment last week.  He had it in his calendar that his scan was Monday, July 16 but the lady said, no it was Tuesday, July 17.  So, he went on Tuesday, only to discover the appointment had in fact been on Monday.  They insisted it was not them that had made the mistake.  Dad wasn’t sure who to be mad at but I told him that I myself have been misinformed countless times about appointments, and have seen other patients with the same misinformation.   There have been several occasions where they have neglected to tell me what the prep for the procedure was or the best one....don’t drive yourself as you will be sedated.  I will never forget having the initial endoscope with no sedation because I had driven my car to the hospital.  Oops....the nurse forgot to inform me of this crucial piece of information!  In any case, no golf for Dad today so Bill changed his bike riding plans and joined me on the course.  I have been walking the front nine and riding the back which seems to be  just about right, however, today when we finished the front nine there were no carts left.  The course is very busy with all the Mountainside members and customers coming to Riverside since the mud slide earlier this week.  I decided I would continue to walk.  10 was a bit of a slog as it is an uphill hole but after that it is pretty much downhill or flat.  Bill insisted on pulling my clubs for me for quite a bit of the round.  We were playing with a fellow who was a pilot for West Jet.  I am sure he wondered at this.  Probably thought either we were newly weds or that I was a Princess Supreme!!!  (most likely the latter)  I am going to share some personal information here....a little bathroom humour you might say!
I have discovered that following my IV chemo I suffer from ahem......constipation!  Turns out it is the anti nausea drugs that do this to you and I have been popping them pretty good this past week.  In any case I have had a week of eating prunes, bran, taking laxatives etc. etc.  Today, FINALLY,  on hole 13 I knew there was going to be a breakthrough!  Toodled down to the bathroom only to find the ladies side was occupied, looked one in sight and decided I would just slip into the men’s side!  Spent a few minutes in there and was feeling so much better unloading a weeks worth of supplies!  Just getting ready to wash my hands and someone rattled on the door!  Shoot!!!  Well, out I went and there was a gentleman waiting for his turn.  Poor guy!  I wanted to suggest he try the ladies side but instead did the quick bolt across the bridge and hoped I would never be paired with him in future games.  Why is it I always get caught in these situations.  EVERY SINGLE TIME!

Tomorrow I am going to get my hydration done at the Invermere Hospital.  One of the perks of having Kelli and Mike working here.  Will go in at 8 and then will head back here to pick Dad up.  Bill going to take the day off from golf but Dad and I are going to play.  Will try to stay out of the Men’s Room tomorrow!


  1. Ha ha ha....well they say...." s#%t happens!!"

    Thanks for the giggle tonight!!

  2. Pat, Debbie and I were golfing yesterday and thinking yup Leslie's probably at it too.

  3. That is really 'sh&%#$ y Les! but as Dusty said, S%^$# does happen!
