Back in Windermere for a bit. Thought the weather was going to be poopy but we arrived to a hot, sunny day. Could hardly wait to get out of my warm clothes. We stopped in Canmore for lunch and I ate half of it, took the rest in the car and finished it on the remainder of the drive. Eating has become a steady and constant focus. It is really hard to get in the necessary calories when you can only eat small quantities at a time. Did pretty good today though. Much better than the past few days when I have been a little under the weather.
Have tee times booked for tomorrow for Bill and I. Dad won’t be joining us as he has to go to Cranbrook for a bone scan. Kelli and Mike working so it’s me vs. Bill!!! I think he’s worried because he suggested I should get up early and have my workout before we head out to the course!!! ha....hardly!!!
Brought my swim suit and if it’s as hot tomorrow as it was today I fully plan to take a dip in the lake. Boomer is having no trouble taking the plunge, but then Boomer would plunge any time, any he’s not a good one to measure the lake temperature by. There were lots of people in in the water today though when we arrived and although I didn’t know any of them I’m assuming most of them have a higher intelligence level than my black lab.
Major mud slide in Fairmont that closed down the Mountainside Golf Course and resulted in all the inhabitants of the Mountainside condos being evacuated. Wondered if Kelli and Mike would be stranded as they are staying at Columbia Lake but they got through OK.
Time to hit bed. Still a little weary…... Looking forward to a great week!
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