Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Played golf today with Dad, Bill, Lindsey and Geoff.  We had to go out as a twosome and a threesome so I played with Lindsey and Geoff.  Geoff shot his best ever nine today on the front....37!  Lindsey was crushing the ball on her drives.  They were an awesome pair!  The day was not as hot which I find better.  Not sure if it’s the treatment but I don’t seem to like the heat as much as I used to.

We came home and had Dad’s birthday supper, even though his birthday isn’t for another week or so.  I will not be out here for his birthday as I am going to Gull Lake for a girl’s get together so we decided to celebrate today.

Bill and I head back to Calgary tomorrow.  We have had an awesome week out here but time to head home and get a few things done there including appointments etc  We will play golf in the morning but will regroup.  Lindsey and I will play with Dad and Geoff and Bill will go out together.  Will try to remember to take my camera out tomorrow.
Happy Birthday to Pat tomorrow!!!

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