Sunday, 29 July 2012

Another beautiful summer day!!  Hope this lasts all summer!  Kelli and I headed out to Cross Iron Mills today.  I needed some jeans and found a pair that fit at “Lucky” Jeans.  I’m in to anything lucky these days!  Speaking of luck.....DO NOT FORGET THAT WEDNESDAY IS WHITE RABBIT DAY!!!
I will send you a visual reminder tomorrow!

Dropped in on Geoff and Lindsey.  They are in the midst of a yard fix up with lots of help from Bill.
The people who owned the place before them were definitely not into landscaping.  Bill was digging out some dirt at the side of the house yesterday and moved a buried board only to discover it was sheltering a “bees” nest.  He was swarmed by about 30 bees all quite angry at being disturbed.  It was a miracle he wasn’t stung!!!

We got home around three and I pulled out my latest interest, a book called “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth.”  It is a really interesting book and identifies the power house foods that we should be eating. The author of the book contacted 16 renowned nutritional experts to ask them to list their “top 10 recommended foods.”  Interestingly of those 16, not one mentioned soy or soy products!  In fact the author of this book totally disputes any health benefits associated with soy.  He then takes each of the various food groups and talks about a wide range of foods and their nutritional benefits and identifies the top 10 in each.  So the challenge today.  Name the top 10 vegetables.  I will give you the answer tomorrow!

Just going to head down with my tea to watch the Olympics.  Really interested to see how Clara Hughes did.  I saw her speak at Teacher’s Convention a couple of years ago and was really impressed by her.  She was a real bad ass teenager and at one point in her life was a two pack a day smoker!  Sport saved her!  Hard to believe with a start like that she as gone on the be a medalist in both winter and summer Olympics.  Once she got her energies channeled in the right direction she went on to be a tremendous success and has grown into a very likeable, inspirational young woman.  I am cheering for her!  In this month’s Chatelaine a number of athletes are quoted on their philosophies.  Clara Hughes’ philosophy is “Don’t underestimate yourself.”  Go Clara, Go!!!

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