Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Went for my IV chemo today.  A four hour event!  This week is revolving around appointments and it is definitely more difficult to go when the weather is beautiful outside!  Must admit though it is even a little too warm for me.  I used to just LOVE the heat but am finding temperatures around 30 when you are not near a body of water are a little much. Looking forward to getting back to the lake.  Hopefully by next week the water will have cleared up a little and I can venture into it. I am starting to fear once again that I may be losing my hair.  Have noticed it coming out in little bits more than usual.  The nurse told me that if it was going to happen I would start to notice it in this cycle.  Shoot....was hoping to dodge that bullet.  Perhaps it is just thinning......hmmm....Maybe time to get out my hat collection from when I shaved my head a few years back.  Everyone keeps saying to me this shouldn’t be a big deal as I did it before and that I have a nice head and looked good bald.  You are all such liars!!!  Nice liars, but still liars!  You even have me halfway convinced.  Told Geoff today I would look just like him and he said that was a good thing.  After the chemo I went to pick up my next round of anti nausea drugs....$322.92.  Thank God I have a drug plan that pays for these things.  I keep thinking about people that have no such thing and wonder how they manage.  I was talking to the nurse today and I told her I have vials of drugs I haven’t even opened.  They are mostly for nausea and I have never had to use them.  I would dearly love to donate them to someone who needs them but you can’t do this.  This must be returned to the pharmacy where they are destroyed.  What a total waste, especially since some of them have not even been opened.

Had to get my driver’s license renewed today.  Forgot I would need a picture and I was definitely having a bad hair day....but then I realized that most days are bad hair days for me so I might as well look like I normally look on my license.  At least my picture has hair.  I might come to really love that picture in a few weeks time.  She asked for two pieces of ID, my old driver’s license and my health care card.  My health care card looks a little like my hair.  It is in a sad state of repair and everyone I show it to comments on it.  I took it out of my wallet feeling a little embarrassed.  Told her I had been meaning to replace it but just hadn’t gotten around to it.  She told me I could order it there so problem solved and the good news was it didn’t cost a cent which made the $85 I had to pay for my new license seem a little less painful.

Continued on to get groceries and ear drops for Boomer and didn’t get home until 6 PM....A long day and to be honest I am totally whipped tonight.  A combination of the heat, the chemo and being on the go all day I’m thinking.  Will be in bed bright and early tonight.

No appointments tomorrow, just a lunch date with some friends!  Much more appealing and something to look forward to!  Counting down to Friday.....Yahoo....concert time!  Geoff is taking me out for lunch for my birthday and Kelli is taking me to the concert.  Friday the 13th never looked better.  I was actually born on Friday the 13th!  My mom always considered 13 to be a lucky number.  Typical Mom!

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