Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Todays mission was to track people I have heard of that have made positive changes in their lives since I started this journey.  First of I must say I am so happy these people haven't taken the attitude "Well, she looked after herself....exercised, watched her diet, practiced healthy living and what good did it do for her?"  I still believe whole heartedly we can control our destiny to some extent by taking a healthy approach to smoking, minimal drinking, watching what goes in your mouth, being active, having healthy relationships with the people you love....the list goes on.  I have never been perfect at these but it is not about perfect it's about moderation and doing it MOST of the time.  I am so proud of those of you who have made positive gains from running in races, to increasing your time at the gym, to losing weight, to cutting back on drinking......There are many of you and I keep hearing I am an inspiration to you but truly it's a backache here because I find your stories just as inspirational.  At the moment I am struggling with patience as I have been for the last little bit.  I do see improvements but they seem so small.  I am drinking small amounts and have had a popsicle the last couple of days and I'm hopeful I will pass the swallow test this time.

Had to go in to see the doctor again today.  I have had some concerns about my feeding tube and wanted him to look at it.  He thought it looked fine but decided I needed ANOTHER stitch as the one the doctor put in when we got back from Mexico wasn't really done properly.  It was partly our fault, we chose to go to the Urgent Care Centre rather than the hospital as we thought the wait would be shorter and they did not have the right sutures or supplies to do it so she just made due.  As usual it was a nice contribution to the hospital parking authority.  Thank goodness we haven't kept track of what we have paid for parking over the past few months.  It's kind of sad that they zing people who are sick or people who are visiting sick people.  The sad part is that they even charge the medical staff for parking too.

Still feeling a little flat today.  I said to Bill the next time I have a test where I'm not supposed to eat I am going to take in some nutrition the evening before.  This go round I went almost 40 hours with nothing and it has knocked me on my butt.  Hopefully will have a decent sleep tonight and get back on track tomorrow.

In the meantime.....keep up the good work!  And don't be afraid to let me know about it!  I love to hear how you are doing!

1 comment:

  1. have a way of putting a smile on my face almost every night!! You KNOW how much you inspire me!! You and your crazy friend Lisa! Two of the MOST positive women I know!!

    So thank you!! And keep up the good work on the swallowing! You will do great!!

