Tuesday, 29 May 2012

I have dragged my sorry ass to the computer because I know many of you will be wondering how the swallow test went.  Day started out fantastic.  I was up at 6 to shower and get my dressing changed.  We needed to be at the hospital for 7:30 which is quite the challenge for me these days to me moving that quickly.  I had thought long and hard about the test, tucking my head, taking my time, making sure the liquid was to the back of my throat etc. etc.  Well that worked for the about the first three swallows and then the radiologist started to get creative.  I had to drink lying down, lying on my side lying as much on my stomach as I could.  The doctor was wonderful.  Much better than the previous two tests I have had.  He was very throrough.  At the end of it he said there was no aspiration at all but he did have some concerns at the rate the stomach was emptying.  The last radiologist mentioned this as well.  The doctor took lots of images and pictures of my gut and lungs.  His first impression was that there might be a narrowing in the stomach.  If this is the case he said it can be easily fixed with a simple scope.  This very well could be the cause of my recent battle with acid reflux.  In any case.....in typical Leslie fashion, I heard the first part....you are not aspirating but downplayed the second part.  Went out to the waiting room to do the dance of joy for Bill.  This has been the first positive news I have had for awhile and I was pretty exited.  Decided to come home and have some scrambled eggs.  Bill cooked them and they were delicious.  I only had one egg but the whole thing went down just fine.  Felt great for a couple of hours and then things started to shift.  I could feel the reflux coming on.  Tried to go for a walk.....not even close to Boomer's standards.  Got home and plopped myself in a chair and have been wrenching and bringing up nasty stuff for the past 4 hours.  Quite frankly I may never eat a scrambled egg for as long as I live.  Kind of like when you were young and drank too much cheap red wine.  My friend Kathy does not drink red wine to this day and I'm really not partial to it either.  "Cold Duck', nastiest wine on the planet!

Not anticipating a good night tonight and actually may just go to bed in a recliner and skip the bed.  It's pretty clear this has got to run it's course and I think I will be much better off sitting up. Shit!  I was so excited this morning and to have this happen really has taken me for a loop.  It has made me sit back and think a little though and I have decided nothing by mouth until I talk to the surgeon and see what they think this problem is and what they can for me.  These problems really have started since I got back from Mexico and started drinking which leads me to believe my stomach is not clearing anything.  I'm even thinking all this coughing I've been doing is a related thing.  So time to take a step back, reevaluate, hope they can do something to alleviate this problem and then move forward again...BUT NOT WITH SCRAMBLED EGGS!  I'm thinking bananas and applesauce might be a better start.  So good news/bad news......and the good definitely outweighs the bad!  I'll be back on track tomorrow.  Will remind you all tomorrow but we are getting on to the end of the month and we all know what that means!!!

1 comment:

  1. One small step forward is still a step forward. You're not aspirating:) Gudrun
