An exhausting day! Was up most of the night trying to get in my 3-4 cups of water before the test which resulted in alternating visits to the toilet. I'm not sure how many times I was up and down but I did manage to get in the required water. Managed to get through the test without coughing which I was also worried about but did manage. Came home pretty much pooped. Between the stress of the test, the rough night and no food for 24 hours I was pretty much flatline. I haven't moved to far from my chair today. The one thing I did do upon arriving home was eat a popsicle! It was delicious and seemed to slide down all the right pathways!
Geoff and Lindsey came by for a visit. They are back from Mexico and are now planning their big trip to see the Seven Wonders of the World. They will leave the first of October and get back the end of November. I said to them "How do you get all that time off work and they blithely answered "we don't have it off yet!" They seem quite confidant, however, that they will have no problem getting the necessary time. They are thrilled that their friends and family have supported their wish that this be their wedding gift. In our day, you went off and registered for China and all kinds of household stuff and you pretty much were outfitted after your wedding, but I am finding these days young people are pretty established and don't need all those things. Lindsey's mom works for Williams and Sanoma and Lindsey has a better equipped kitchen than I do! I do understand people wanting to give "something" that will be remembered because I too felt this way. Bill and I did give them money for their trip but I also had a Sea Otter carved out of soapstone for them. Last summer when we were on the sunshine coast we went into an artist's gallery and saw this woman's amazing work. She carved seals and sea otters. I LOVED them and took her card. I sent her an email a few months ago and she carved the most beautiful otter for them. Not the most practical gift but hopefully something they will have for ever.
Dad came over as well. He is in town overnight for an appointment but will head back to Windermere tomorrow so I have had no shortage of company today.
Am planning an early night in bed. Hopefully a solid sleep! Today has knocked my socks off.
Thinking of you Leslie and sending you lots of love!