Thursday, 24 May 2012

Will start todays blog with a cute story before I get serious.  Yesterday I went to see the doctor about my J tube.  We walked into the North Tower at the Foothills Hospital and there were three mentally handicapped adults sitting in their wheel chairs at the entrance.  As I went to walk by, a young man reached for my hand and introduced himself as Michael.  So I stopped and introduced myself.  He gazed up at me and said "Leslie, you sure are beautiful!"  so I looked down at him and said "Michael you are very, very handsome!"   Now the cute part of this story is that for all my adult life I have managed to attract mentally challenged males!  Not sure what that says for Bill.

Had a rough night again last night.  Not sure if I have a bit of a bug or am reacting to the PET and the prep for it because I was just fine before I had the test but since have not felt that well.  Could also be the popsicles I've been sucking back so have not had one of those today.  Got up this morning feeing like I had been kicked.  Was supposed to meet a couple of friends for coffee and thought about bailing but Bill pushed me out the door and said a visit with my friends would be good for me.  He was so right!  We talked for a couple of hours and I came out of Starbucks feeling much better and it wasn't because of caffeine!  I came home thinking it would be nice to have a nap and there was Black Beauty looking at me with that look on his face "Are we going for a walk....are we....are we?"  It was the last thing I felt like but I loaded him into the Forerunner and we went and did a loop of Nose Hill.  It was a pretty slow walk but I did do it and can't help but think a little exercise might help me settle tonight.

Over coffee I learned that a former teaching colleague and friend has been dealt a devastating blow.  She has battled cancer for many years and has been somewhat of a miracle!  She has defied the odds and has demonstrated strength beyond reason.  Her cancer has returned and she is slated for another round of surgery.  This person has been an amazing support for me over the past weeks.  She frequently emails me and totally knows what I am experiencing because she has been there herself.  I have held on to every single email and reread them frequently.  She has been an inspiration to me and someone I totally admire. My heart is breaking that she has to go through this again.  We pick ourselves up and get on with it only to get knocked down again.  What I do know about this lady though is ......  she will get up and dust herself off and face this head on  That is her nature.  She is one strong lady.  And there will be many people standing in the wings cheering her on and through this.  It is terrible to go through this once but unfathomable when you have to do it again.  Unfortunately, that is what will happen to many of us.  This disease often doesn't seen to go away, it just lies quietly, sometimes for years and then rears it's ugly head once again.  I know this and if I am granted a reprieve I plan to make the most of every moment, just as this wonderful person has done!  If you are reading this, know that I love you girl, and wish you strength and focus in the weeks ahead.

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