Just back from a full day of running around "getting stuff done". We dropped in to see Bill's folks. Bill's sister Susie is in town for a visit from Texas. She has been on the same runaway train as I'm on, diagnosed a couple of years ago and doing very well. It was really nice to chat with her. One thing I have learned through this is that people who have been through this really have a different perspective and understanding than those that haven't and they really understand some of the things you are going through and feeling. As Susie said today it changes you forever and I do believe that is true. Things like time and what's important really do shift. I know, as all of us do, I was often guilty of taking things for granted! Not so much now and hopefully that will continue on for the rest of my life because some things should just not be taken for granted.

Boomer did arrive home yesterday afternoon. He bounded into the house and up to the deck where I was reading my book. I looked at him and said "You've had a bath!" (he was soaking wet) Bill came up behind him shaking his head.......the bath was in a slough out at Ron and Marg's place. That's the beauty of a black dog. Until they lie on a light coloured carpet or you pat them you don't even know they're dirty. On top of that Bill said the entire ride home there were noxious fumes coming from the back of the Forerunner. We suspect he found some nasty delectable treats, possibly manure, to treat himself to. Definitely confined to the tile floor last night. I took him out for his walk and then the three of us headed over to the Dog Wash. I needed Bill to come because I am not allowed to lift anything over 10 lbs. and this pathetic pooch refuses to go up the ramp to get into the tub at the wash. Loves to swim but hates his bath as you can see from the look on his face above. Thus, Bill was needed for the boost.
We got him cleaned up, brought him home and he crashed big time!
Still no word on the swallow test. Heard nothing again today so am thinking it will be next week. I'm partly disappointed, partly relieved. Am not totally confidant I will pass. I have been taking little sips of water and it generally goes well but I have the odd swallow that definitely goes down the wrong pipe. There is nothing I would like more than to get rid of this J tube. It is uncomfortable and the skin is quite sensitive where they had to put in a new stitch. Having said this I know that there is no way at this point I could even begin to take in the amount of fluid I need in a day, let alone calories so realize that I will be stuck with it for some time yet. Unfortunately I am not paying as much attention to the 3 P's these days. I woke up this morning and amazingly my voice almost sounded like me! I was stunned. It lasted for about half an hour. After coughing and hacking I pretty much brought back my "Miss Piggy" voice. I do see these little improvements but I want big improvements. This is where Bill is really good for me. He patiently reminds me that I am still healing. He tells me to look at my exterior scars from the surgery and realize that my insides are the same way. Nerves take a long time to come around. Having said this I am becoming more and more impatient for some more substantial gains. PATIENCE! POSITIVITY! PERSEVERANCE! Focus on the prize! It's worth working for!
Leslie, you are amazing and strong and inspiring! Don't beat yourself up though for being human and for feeling what you are feeling. Your massive cheering squad will continue to carry the 3 Ps for you. Sending much love and strength your way! xoxoxo