A great day all round! Started off with Geoff and Lindsey arriving bright and early. Bill was taking them to the airport for the start of their round the world adventure! Gave them both a big hug and wished them bon voyage. I couldn’t go to the airport because it was my appointment day with my oncologist. So off they went to the airport and off I went to the Foothills. Saw Dr. Esaw for the first time in months. Either I’ve been away or I’ve seen his resident so we haven’t really seen each other since back when I had the pneumonia. He came in today with a big smile on his face and said he was blown away by how well I was doing! He was even impressed with my scary hair, telling me I had “iron hair”.....most people lose it in the second cycle. I’ve had six cycles and although it is definitely disappearing, I still have enough to cover my head. Hope it will stay for Hawaii. I have also gained another couple of pounds which is really good. From there went to get my bloodwork done and was shocked at the number of people at the lab. Had to wait for over an hour which is rare. Came home and had lunch with my brother. He was in town to pick up his bike as he and Michele are getting ready to head south to the Baja where they spend 3 months every winter. They take off now and come back when the snow is ready to be skied on. He looks great. I always marvel at how he has handled his MS. We both agree that diet plays a huge role in how you handle your illnesses. He has been on a restricted diet for a few years now. No dairy, no legumes, no red meat, and no gluten! Not sure I could handle that one. Although he sticks to it fairly religiously at home I know he allows himself some freedoms when he travels! You can’t deprive yourself completely! Last night I had a piece of pumpkin pie at Geoff and Lindsey’s. Normally I steer away from anything with sugar but who can turn down homemade pumpkin pie??? Not me!!! After lunch I headed off to pick up my new hair! I love the girl who did it for me. So easy to talk to and really good at what she does. I left “Compassionate Beauty” sporting my new wig and decided to hit a couple of stores on the way home....Glamorgan Bakery (cheese buns for Kelli) and Sunterra Market. I kept looking at people trying to see if they were studying my hair but I had no double takers so think it might look OK. I’ll post a photo and you can tell me what you think. The best part is it doesn’t even feel like you are wearing it! When I arrived home Bill walked past me twice and I finally said “Aren’t you going to say anything?” He was surprised at how natural looking it is. Said he really didn’t even notice until I pointed it out! I sent a picture to Kelli (she’s in Vancouver) and she called me a super model! Ha! Super models are not happy when they gain four pounds!

Anyways.....here I am!
Tomorrow I’m off to the headshave at my school. Apparently there are five kids shaving their heads. Bill said he thought I’d probably come home bald....I’d get caught up in the event and offer up my head as well. Not so keen on that. I want to hang on to what I have for a little longer! After the head shave I have to go for my hydration. Chemo on Friday and then I get a break for a bit. Won’t have to go again until November 16th. Yahoo!!! Looking forward to that!
Super model for sure! Honestly mom I love it! I want one.... ;)
ReplyDeleteLove you!
Mrs Sherlock! Sam Hibbert here. Your wig looks fantastic!!!
ReplyDeleteOf course you look amazing!!!! My kids are taking the day off tomorrow to come to the head shave to see you!!! I hope they remember to give you a big hug for me!! I am not so lucky to be able to take the day off!!!
ReplyDeleteLooks fantastic! Once I got use to the idea I couldn't believe how easy it was to pop in on and go. Enjoy Hawaii
ReplyDeleteTwo words - "wow" and "WOW" - I'm with Kelli, I want one too!
ReplyDeleteHey good-looking! Leslie, it's you! Super model for sure. No more bad hair days.
ReplyDeleteHave a great trip to Hawaii!
love Colleen and Jim
Leslie--the hair is gorgeous and you are such a "rock". Take care.
ReplyDeleteYou look super Leslie! Beautiful in fact!! I laughed outloud at the super model comment gaining 4 pounds!! Sadly true.