Slept until 8 AM this morning and had a good solid sleep but woke up grumpy as ten bears. Both Bill and the dogs were looking at me sideways. Last night when I was going to bed, I was walking in the dark and forgot that I had my packed suitcase sitting right beside the bed. Wham! Stubbed my toe and went ass over tea kettle! Fell flat on my face. Bill was up in a millisecond and Kelli came a running! Fortunately I wasn't hurt.....stubbed my toe for sure and it's still a little sore today but other than that the only thing hurt was my pride! Would I have ever been ticked if I had broken something which I guess is a possiblity when you take a spill like that. forward to this morning....the toe's still a little sore but other than that there was really no reason to be in such a pissy mood. Had my breakfast and was trying to decide what I should do today. Dad sent me home with a big bag of beautiful Macintosh apples off his apple tree and I knew I should do something with them before we take off on Friday. Finally decided I would make pie! I am not a pie maker, in fact some of my biggest dessert disasters started out as a plan to be pie! Well, just felt up to the challenge so got everything out and proceeded to turn my kitchen upside down. I made three pies, four apple turnovers and a batch of applesauce! And everything turned out beautifully! I was so impressed with myself! I have this awesome apple peeler/corer. If you do much with apples and don't have one you need to get one. My Mom gave this one to me years ago and it is the slickest thing you ever did see. You just stick on the apple, turn the handle and have a peeled, cored and sliced apple! You can go through an entire bag in no time flat! They sell them at Home Hardware in Invermere. But....getting back to my story....I'm standing there admiring my pies and it suddenly occurred to me I was no longer grumpy.....Apple Pie for the Soul!!!

This is my apple peeler/corer! It's a great toy for all you gadget sluts!
The finished product! One of these has Geoff's name on it!!!
Finished my baking spree and decided to take the dogs for a walk. It was horrible out there. Pelting rain and wind. I found it quite miserable but Boomer and Sienna were enjoying themselves immensely. I think they made a point of finding every single patch of mud and ever puddle along the way. Came home and dropped them off and headed out to run a few errands, which included a little shopping for a few things for our trip! Stopped at the Brentwood Flu Shot clinic but was put off by the line of people. Will try to go again tomorrow. I had never taken the flu shot prior to last year but now it is recommended as they say I do not have the same immune system. Not sure they are right! I haven't had any bugs at all over the past year but better to be safe than sorry I guess.
Boomer heads out to the farm tomorrow for a glorious three weeks with his retriever buddy Wyatt! He'll probably come home limping again. Just doesn't know when to quit! Sienna is going to the dog sitters and I have two days to finish getting organized for Friday! We are all really looking forward to this holiday. I will even get to eat this time! Spent yesterday trying on some of my sundresses. Good thing I tried them on because there were a few that looked pretty much like sacks. I'm about thirty pounds lighter than I was in Mexico. Now don't get alarmed.....I had gained a whole pile of weight prior to my surgery.....I'm only about 10 pounds under my normal weight right now. Time to sign off and tackle my thank you letter to the students/parents and staff of Ranchlands.
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