Last night we were watching TV and up came a Tsunami Warning! The earthquake near Sandspit created a Tsunami that was headed directly for Hawaii. People were being advised to evacuate and move to higher ground. We are not directly on the coast but checked and are just on the edge of the evacuation zone. Mike called the front desk but was advised that the only evacuations on Hawaii were happening at Hilo which is north from where we are. The first waves were scheduled to hit Hawaiian shores at 10:20 PM last night. Turned out to be a non-event, however many people were evacuated out of Honolulu. We saw pictures of people heading down to the ocean to "watch" the Tsunami! Total idiots. Makes you wonder what they were expecting to see. Duhhh.....suicide wish I'm thinking, or just plain STUPID. Got a message from my friend Maureen who is currently in Maui and they moved themselves up to higher ground. Saw on Facebook that other friends, Darrell and Sheena Wood, also spent a few hours in their car parked up on higher ground drinking coffee. We decided we were safe where we were and went to bed. If worse came to worse I did have my boogie board at bedside! (kidding) Got up this morning and heard that the largest waves were about three feet and that no damage had been reported on any of the islands. More alarming news was that there was a shark attack yesterday on Maui only 20 yards off shore at McKenna Beach which is where Kelli and I did our open dive certification a couple of years back. Maureen told me today that there were two other attacks last week at Kahana Beach, where Duane does his wind surfing. Must confess I was on red alert when snorkelling today. Hoping my chemo pills have the same repelling affect on sharks as they seem to have on mosquitoes! Mosquitoes don't like me...."They don't bite! They don't even lite!"
Kelli and I headed down to the fitness centre this morning for a yoga class but the instructor never showed. Apparently she returned home last night for the evacuation notice and didn't come to work this morning! Oh well, did my usual workout and headed back to the condo for breakfast and planning for the day!
We decided to hit Beach 69 today and weren't disappointed. Some good snorkelling! We saw some huge fish, varieties of fish we have not seen before and turtles. Once you got out over the surf it was pretty calm. Coming in was a bit of a challenge. Bill got absolutely knocked ass over tea kettle coming in. He stood up a couple of times and was knocked down and washed in! Poor guy....just got over the man cold and now he's banged up both his knuckles and his shins. Forgot to mention he dropped a jar of nacho cheese last night, stepped on the glass and cut his foot! The guys a mess! He was sporting a new swim suit today though! Finally talked him into something with some colour. (Lindsey will approve! It's yellow!)
Headed home late afternoon for showers then hit the shopping mall before going for a delicious sushi supper! Fantastic day!
Tomorrow Bill and I are going to golf Makali Golf Course. Used golfnow.com again and managed to get a half price deal so for $44 we get our green fees and a cart! Really looking forward to it although I'm thinking this course is going to be more challenging than the course we played a few days ago. Might be a good day to leave my ladybug crystals in my bag!
Beach 69....
Good to hear that the warning was a non-event! G.