Sunday, 10 June 2012

                                                          "Boomed by Boomer"

After receiving several emails expressing concern for poor Boomer I decided I should read my own blog and I can totally understand why you think it was Boomer who broke his leg.  Very poor communication skills in that piece of writing.   Boomer is intact but it is this poor 9 month old Hungarian Vizula who suffered in the collision.  To add insult to injury just look at what they put on this poor "he" dog and to make it even worse he stayed in the hospital overnight and was being neutered the next morning!  On the plus side he will only have to wear the cone once!

I am on the upswing.  Antibiotics are starting to kick in and I feel about 110% improved from where I was just a few days ago.  Had the best sleep (still in my chair mind you) that I have had in weeks last night.  Last night we had a birthday supper for Kelli and her boyfriend , Mike (both have June birthdays) and I sat there and felt so good looking at the family I have enjoyed.  They are amazing people, everyone of them!

This morning Geoff's friend Tommy came to our house and laid a beating on me!  Literally.  He is a physiotherapist and he offered to come over and give me some chest therapy.  I had some of this in the hospital and although it may look a little violent because they literally do pound on your side and back it feels so good.  I have been hacking up stuff ever since he left which is the objective of the beating.  I need to clear all the stuff that has accumulated as a result of the pneumonia and it would appear it is definitely starting to find it's way out.  I keep shaking my head at the never ending supply.

Going to head out for the first walk I have had in a little while.  The combination of weather and feeling crappy hasn't inspired me to walk and I know that is an important part of getting better.  Bill is pretty bossy when it comes to this.  I am going whether I want to or not.

Although not 100%, I am so much better and am again focussed on where I'm going next.  Judy sent me her usual cheery note this morning and reminded me "We have two options, medically and emotionally.  Give up or fight like hell."  I think you know the option I'm picking.


  1. That sounds more like our Leslie! G.

  2. Lisa said the most inspirational part of the ride was talking to and listening to the SURVIVORS who also rodid the ride from Niagra to Toronto via Hamilton.. I know you are and will be one of them as well. Never give up the fight girl. You can and will beat this! You have been on my mind all weekend and I pray for you daily. Love ya girl!

  3. 'Boomed by Boomer' is hilarious!!! You could seriously write a book about that dog and you should!! He has more personality than some people I know!!
    I caught up on your blog today and admit I had a little cry. I have had lots of my own shit going on lately and your blog kicks me right in the ass where I need it. We all need to keep our troubles in perspective as others out there have it better or worse than us.

    Your blog inspires me EVERY day I read it and helps give me the strength to go through my own life. I can often just sit and imagine your laugh and that in its self, makes me smile!! I was sitting at my desk today and I used my Tigger pen that you gave me for being a tiger. YOU TOO are a tiger- a woman of spirit, integrity and spunk!! Remain positive as you are and know that we are ALL praying for you every day!

    I don't know if you are up for visitors but if you are, summer holidays are here in 11 kid days ( I know you would have informed me of that had I miscounted!) I can not believe it has been 2 years since I left the ranch in 'tiger style'. I want you to know that I take that tiger towel to yoga, I use the tiger pen and I wore the tigger leg warmers for retro day!! Big, fat, giant, tiggeriffic hugs to you Leslie! PS: the wedding photos are so awesome and I knew you would get to that wedding.
    I will be knocking on your door soon neighbour!!
    Lisa Armstrong
