Achh....just finished writing my blog and pushed the wrong button. Lost it so here goes....draft 2.
Started out the day with my bowl of oatmeal alla Bill. He is always trying to sneak calories in to me but this morning there was no hiding it. He had so many raisins in it I ended picking about 2/3 of them out. It was like having a bowl of raisins with oatmeal.
Had a busy day of appointments and tests. Started off with the MUGA test which is a test that gets a baseline function of how your heart is working. They start off injecting you with some nuclear substance.....glowing again! You sit for a bit and then they do the test. 10 minute scan on the right side of the heart and 10 minute scan on the left. Well about half way through the first side my heart rate slowed down which apparently affects the picture quality so I had to do that test twice for a total of 30 minutes lying perfectly still. This test I didn't find so stressful because I'm pretty sure despite all they have done to me, my ticker is still good!
From there we headed out and did a few errands and looked at a couple of cars that Bill and Kelli are looking at to replace the beloved Camray. Kelli loves her Camray but it is coming of that age where one starts to wonder about it's reliability especially with the amount of highway driving she will be doing this summer. She is loathe to buy a new car but will probably need to bite the bullet. The problem of course is finding a vehicle that fits her needs are her small size. Bill being Bill started her off at the BMW dealership to test drive a M1 Of course she loved the car, hated the price tag but said it was the same thing her boyfriend did when she bought her bike. Took her to a bike shop, sat her on a $10,000 bike and then had her look at lesser models, none of which quite measured up. Same story here with the car! Tomorrow they are going to look at some cars more within her budget range, the Matrix and the Mazda 3.
After car cruising we came home and I had some delicious Carrot Ginger Soup that Margie, owner of Friends made for me. Delicious. The hard thing about eating for me right now is that I never get hungry. I suspect it's because I get most of my calorie needs met at night. So eating is just something I do to be social. Was trying to cut down my night feeds but have decided to wait until I start chemo. Think I might need a little extra for that so am not cutting back until I get a feel for what that will be like.
Came home and had a visit with Geoff then off to the FH for 'Hydration". Thought it would take about 30 minutes at most. Took almost 2 1/2 hours. My nurse wasn't very good at finding my veins. I sat there thinking to myself "you are so lucky it is me sitting here." My mom, also a nurse, had absolute no patience for nurses who could not get the vein on the first poke and she did not hesitate to tell them so.
I too get annoyed but never complain when they miss. Finally finished up there and headed home for leftovers for supper! Ate pretty good today and I am actually feeling a little full at the moment.
Not a lot planned for the weekend. Bill is going to try to log a few km on his bike tomorrow. Everyone is becoming quite aware that the ride is fast approaching. Some of them are going to do great, some of them are going to have major sore bums and some of them have no idea what they are in for. I only hope they get nice weather because this will really make or break the event for them.
Thanks to all who donated to this cause. The team of 17 riders has raised over $75,000! Amazing and it is because of many of you. Hats off to you! You will never know how much it means! I keep hearing stories of people going through the same thing as I. People who were healthy and had no bad habits and basically lived a "clean life". They keep saying they are making amazing steps to find cures but it seems to me more and more people are being diagnosed. When I sit in the daycare at the Foothills I am amazed at the range of people. Very young to very old! Today they toured a group through when I was sitting there. They were obviously getting an orientation to the daycare facility and as I studied the couples I could not tell you which one had cancer. They all looked like perfectly healthy people. Obviously only on the outside. I thought….you poor buggers! Have a great weekend. Get out and enjoy the sunshine. Sounds as if it's going to shine!
Enjoy the sun tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you Monday. Gudrun