Saturday, 16 June 2012

Well, home from a little retail therapy with my daughter.  We went to Victoria's Secret today.  Great fun!  Kelli has been toting her lunch to work in one of the little Lulu Lemon bags but I suggested she should take her lunch tomorrow in a Victoria's Secret bag!  That might raise a few eyebrows.  We wandered Chinook Mall, one I rarely visit and even had lunch in the food court which was great fun for me!  There was a point I was wondering if I would ever be able to go out for a meal again.  So even though it wasn't world class was a world class dining experience in the Chinook Mall Food court!

Am now home drinking my afternoon smoothie.  It seems like my life revolves around my eating schedule but I am becoming aware I need to keep my strength up for the next round of boxing!  I heard a country singer on the radio talking about his new album yesterday, called Punching Bag.  I kind of liked what he had to say.  He said a punching bag keeps swinging back no matter now many times it is punched.  The harder you punch it, the faster it swings back!  Whatever life deals you just swing back!
Kind of like that thought.

This morning I had a lovely surprise from some of my teacher pals.  A lady arrived at my door with the most beautiful hand quilted quilt!    It came from an organization called Victoria's Quilts Canada  Their mission is to provide hand made quilts to people with cancer.  It is a national non-profit charitable organization run solely by volunteers.  There are no paid staff.  This organization was started in 2000 by 12 women and has grown exponentially.  In October of 2011 the 25,0000th quilt was delivered to a cancer patient in PEI.  My friends sent my name into the organization and I was stunned to receive this lovely gift.  Thanks girls!  It will be well used.  You do get chilly when you are having chemo and although they bring you a hot blanket, it does not stay hot.  So I will take my own quilt with me and it will keep me cozy and warm!  You all have hearts of gold and your thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated!

Got an email from my pal Maureen this morning.  She and her husband are in Vancouver for the Ride To Conquer Cancer.  I have mentioned Duane before.  He is a machine when it comes to riding his bike.  Definitely our top Honey Badger for performance.  In any case this poor guy has been training his ass off.  He is doing both the ride from Vancouver to Seattle and the ride here next weekend.  The ride out west is 160 km EACH day.  Well, yesterday he threw his back out.  Maureen drove him to the ride this morning and he as in terrible pain and wasn't sure he could do it.  But doing it he is.  After two days of riding and sleeping on the ground in between I would imagine he will be ready for a visit to his favourite chiropractor.  I am so sad for him because I know how hard he has worked for this.  My only hope is that the back loosens up as he goes.  It would have been a tough go in perfect physical condition but to add this to the mix is going to make for one tough slog. On top of this the weather isn't great!  This is a true test but definitely not the end of the world if he has to pull out.  There is always next weekend.  Time to head out for the walk~!  Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine. HUGS.

1 comment:

  1. You are just like a punching bag Leslie! Whatever life punches you with, you swing back. This sounds like a good image to have during chemo. G.
