Friday, 8 June 2012

The support I have had from so many of you has been so gratifying  So many of you send me amazing quotes or sayings.  Some I have poached because I loved them so much but I am going to start sharing more of them with you through this blog!  One friend sent me a message yesterday and told me I've had my 8 minutes in the saddle, now it's time to cowboy up and get back on the horse.  That is exactly where I am at this moment in time!  Thankyou Deb!  You kick my butt every time!

I have had a ton of emails over the past 24 hours and each of you ask "What can I do....I'll do anything." There is nothing you can do that you already have not done.  Your support through emails, phone calls, walking Boomer, etc. etc.  the list is too extensive to list is overwhelming.  I do not need gifts or flowers!  Please do not send them!  Geoff brought me a beautiful bouquet yesterday and one is perfect!  More than that I'll start thinking I'm in the funeral home!  I totally understand your desire to help in anyway as I would be the same for each of you!  It is a very helpless feeling.  At this point in time there are only three things that can help me:  the medical system, my family and ME!

I am feeling like crap right now because of the pneumonia.  Once they can get that under control they tell me I will feel so much better  I cough up volumes of stuff, mostly at night which does not help with the sleeping but it has to come out in order for the heeling to start.  So cough and hack I shall while enduring horrified looks from people in waiting rooms who want to get up and move to the other side of the room and truly I don't blame them, I think I would also be the one shifting seats,

I will try to keep the blog going as I know there are still many reading it.  There may be days I'm not up to it....or just don't feel like it.....your turn to practice the "P" virtue but I will keep you posted.

The last three days have been a whirlwind of visits back and forth to the hospital.  I've been there once today and have to return this afternoon for another infusion of potassium.

We keep wondering why the universe is sh***** on us.  A couple of days ago Lindsey took Boomer to Nose Hill for a walk with her girlfriend and her Hungarian Vizuala.  They were running and chasing a frisbee.  Don't EVER challenge Boomer for a frisbee.  I'm not exactly sure on all the details but it would appear that both dogs were chasing the frisbee.  Boomer got there first and the other dog leapt over him and broke his femur!  $5000 later he is sporting a pink cone and a blue cast!  Then today on the way to the hospital Kelli's car just up and died in the middle of Shaganappi Trail.  It is currently being towed to Hawkwood Auto!  What next.

So in closing a little beauty secret for you girls out there.  Cut the blush....all you need is a blood transfusion and you will have the loveliest of roses in your cheeks.  It is amazing.
Hugs to all of you!

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