Thursday, 23 February 2012

Halleluiah! The basement is done! Every last pipe has been changed out so we shouldn't have to worry about springing any more leaks! The heating ducts are reconnected so the house is warm again....just in time for Kelli's arrival home this weekend. She always complains that our house is cold....she wouldn't have appreciated the temperature these past few days. We sorted through lots of junk and threw away bags of stuff. It is amazing what one hangs onto. I even found my brother's cub uniform!

Got permission from the surgeon to visit the dentist for a cleaning. Had to postpone my appointment in December when all of this began and know it will be sometime after the surgery before I can have dental work done so was very grateful when they slipped me in for an appointment this morning! Not that I love going to the dentist but I do love it when it's over and my teeth are clean! Love the result, not the process! From there went to Van Dome's for lunch with my friend Maureen. Van Dome's was her suggestion and I thought when she suggested it I had never been there but when I rolled up I realized that I had in fact been here a few years ago and vividly remember the lunch. I was having lunch with my friend Kathy when I got a very paniced phone call from Kelli. It was the day her medical school application was due for and she had just discovered that two of the people who had agreed to provide references had not yet submitted them. We spent a harried couple of hours trying to reach each of these people. One, a prof, was down east and the other a friend was just on his way to leave on a trip! Fortunately each of them got the references submitted in time but it was probably one of the most stressful afternoons I have had! I know it was so for Kelli, and I think we both had doubts that she would be successful in her bid to get in with the rush job. Fortunately our fears were unfounded!

Continue to feel good! Very happy to know that I will be seeing Dr. Gelfand on Tuesday and crossing my fingers that he will have a surgery date for me!

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