Sunday, 26 February 2012

Brrrr.....another chilly one but Kelli, Boomer and I did brave it and did our loop of Nose Hill this afternoon. I think it was the guilt of eating waffles and bacon for brunch this morning!
I have been busy beefing up this weekend....getting ready for the big weigh in on Tuesday because I know Bill will be looking over my shoulder making sure my weight has stayed up! How many of you have husbands who's mission is to grow you bigger!!??? Not one of you! Most of us never even let our husbands see the number that registers on the scale!

I am really looking forward to Tuesday's appointment although Kelli has warned me it will be a sobering appointment where they will go over the surgery, the risks and have me sign consents. They give you all the worst case scenarios but to be honest after reading the possible side effects on the drugs I have been taking one would probably opt right out of treatment if you paid attention to any of that stuff! Most of them even caution a side effect could be possible death!

I have been enjoying emails from some of my students at school. It reminds me of the days I used to have penpals! I ran into one of my students at Super Store yesterday. A grade 6 student who's family emigrated to Canada from India not to long ago. We had a nice long chat beside the vegetables. He filled me in on what was going on at school and told me that the kids were really missing me (I'm also missing them!) After our chat I gave him a big hug and told him to say hi to everyone at school. As I pushed my cart away I saw a gentleman giving me a strange look and it occurred to me I had never met this little guys family and his Dad was probably wondering who the heck this strange woman was hugging his kid!!!

I am going to start reminding everyone today that the end of February is fast approaching. Of course there are 29 days this month which makes Thursday the 1st of March! Some of you let me down last month on your White Rabbits! A reminder that the first words out of your mouth on Thursday morning MUST BE WHITE RABBITS!!! This will ensure good luck for the remainder of the month! I would be most appreciative if you would donate your luck to me! Will remind you EVERY SINGLE DAY until Wednesday! I think I'm going to need a little luck along with my positive attitude this month!

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