Monday, 20 February 2012

Beautiful day today.  Went to Geoff's hockey game and then met a friend for a walk in Nose Hill!  Figure we should be out enjoying this spring like weather as the forecast isn't for it to continue.

Had coffee with Lisa yesterday and we got talking fitness and she told me to have a look at You Tube....23 and a half hours!  Have a look if you feel inclined!  It is quite inspiring and makes you think about the value of exercise and fitness!  It is actually quite surprising how little you have to do to have a positive impact on your health!

Saw an interesting quote the other day...."Motivation is what gets you started.....habit is what keeps you going."  I have many friends who have decided to get off the pot and get started on fitness programs, some have set goals for themselves, others have made substantial changes to their lifestyles.   Good for you!  I still believe that staying fit and active will see me through this.  I have come to realize that there is no rhyme or reason as to why some people come down with cancer and some don't.  Some people seem to be able to dodge it despite engaging in unhealthy practices and others who are almost zealots about their health end up getting it!  So I've got it!  To what?  I'm pulling out the big guns and am going at this with everything I've got!  The one thing I know for sure is that being fit and active makes me feel good.  It keeps me balanced and over the years has become as routine as brushing my teeth!  I come from a family where activity and fitness were always important.  My Dad who is eighty two is fitter than most people half his age!  My brother also believes that staying fit and active can help him stay healthy and ward off the progression of his MS.  So far, so good!  Bill and Geoff and Lindsey and Kelli and Mike all enjoy active lifestyles!  We all believe in the power of exercise and the benefits of being fit.   I also believe that this is what is going to save me and see me back on the road to good health!  If you have not embraced this philosophy I encourage you to rethink your life.  If you watch the link I mentioned you will realize you do not need to spend hours working out to gain health benefits!  Start small but START!  You are worth it!  

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