Got up to cloudy, socked in skies this morning and after some discussion decided that Bill and I would golf on the membership and poor Dad would stay home and do housework. We threw the garbage into the back of the truck, planning to stop and do a drop at the dump. We arrived at the dump bright and early and there wasn't a soul in sight. Bill pulled up to the dumpsters and proceeded to toss several small bags of garbage in. He was almost finished when a truck roared in and a very angry man jumped out , cursing and swearing about the way we had parked, blocking off his access to the dumpster. He himself was not dumping garbage but was there to garbage pick! Bill looked at him with some surprise and said "Good Morning," to which this individual replied, "You can just go out to that stop sign, turn left, go to the next four way stop and take a left to F*!@ing Calgary!!! Honestly, how does a person get so jaded! We drove away and left him at the dump raging at damn Albertans! We then arrived at the course and in conversation with the starter discovered there had been a brawl on the course yesterday and both the police and paramedics had to be summoned. I guess one group hit into the other group on hole nine and the ball actually hit the guys wife on the shoulder. The husband was furious and picked up the offending ball before proceeding on to hole 10. The group that had hit into them caught up on the tenth tee box and demanded to have their ball back at which point the husband of the lady who had been hit whacked the guy with his club, splitting the guys head open. Then, the two thirty year old sons got into the fray and threw the fellow who had demanded his ball back on the ground and started pummeling him. Can you believe it!!!! Unreal! And they say golf is a gentleman's stroke! Hmph!
We really weren't sure we would get all 18 holes in today with the way the skies looked so went with the attitude that if it rained we would just pack it in. As it turned out, the first five holes were good and then the skies opened up. We finished the front nine but both of us were having issues with our clubs slipping in our hands and what started out looking like it might be a good round slowly deteriorated. The rain lightened up by the time we finished nine holes but we were both pretty much soaked and decided that lunch and coffee at Kicking Horse Coffee might be more fun.
Had our lunch, picked up some plumbing supplies and headed home so Bill could finish working on Dad's bathtub! While he was doing that I took Boomer for a good long walk and then we headed over to see the Lenzins for a bit. It was like dog day camp today with four dogs sharing the beach! Boomer was in seventh heaven! Held his own with those young pups! For an almost ten year old dog he's still pretty energetic!!!
Boomer and Ryker!!! Two ADHD Canines! Getting them to pose for this shot was no easy task! Thank goodness for treats |
Off to Vancouver tomorrow! Hope the holiday traffic isn't too terrible!
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