Kelli arrived to Windermere last night! This morning the guys stayed home to do home maintenance jobs while we girls got our priorities straight and headed out to the golf course. A little cooler today but still very pleasant for golf. We arrived in time to hit a couple of buckets of balls. At Riverside they give you a code that you input into the ball dispenser and it disperses you your allotted bucket. I gave Kelli her code and then stood there and watched her carefully input the code, forgetting to put the bucket in place underneath, to collect the balls. There were range balls flying everywhere! Hahaha......tooo funny!!! Poor Kelli was scrambling to grab a bucket and then collect the errant balls while I just stood there and laughed! Some might call that emotional abuse.....I call it humour in the first degree!!! We hit our practice balls and then headed out on the course with a very pleasant couple. Lula had immigrated here from Turks and Caicos and Taylor was from Saskatoon! We laughed when they told us they alternate winters between the two places. I think I would have a hard time choosing Saskatoon over Turks. and Caicos!! They were really nice to play with, however, I think Taylor was one of those guys who believe because he is male he had to play from the blue tees! I honestly believe both Kelli and I scored better than he did. He really didn't belong back there and struggled for the whole eighteen holes. Every so often I would chirp out my comments which I soon realized were not appreciated. i.e......"Oh dear.....taking the scenic route I see!". or "SPLASH!!!" Kelli suggested that perhaps I was wasting my sense of humour on him! I would have to agree! My commentary is definitely not appreciated by all!

On the course with "Bear and Boomer".... My head covers that I am constantly dropping. Thankfully, the marshall, Jim, chases around after me and returns them!
Tonight Bill has headed back to Calgary and tomorrow Kelli and I will head west to Vancouver. We have our bikes with us and plan to do some riding in Vancouver. I figure what better place to start my training.....flat and at sea level! We will be there for a week and then back here where she starts her rural rotation in Invermere over the next couple of months. Bill and I are planning to be out here a fair bit over the next few months and hope to also take a golf trip around BC playing various golf courses. We had a couple of other trips planned for the spring and fall but at this point have decided we need to put them on hold until I have a better idea of where I am going with these trials. Notice I said "Put them on hold!! Not cancel!" Still hoping we can do them....just delayed!
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