Time to start giving each of you your "visual" reminders for the start of the new month. This blog is going to contain some revealing confessions! After all my nagging last month to NOT forget your white rabbits.....guess who totally forgot??? You got it....it twas I! Probably the reason it has not been the best month! So this month I have learned my lesson and am going to take extra precautions to ensure this never happens again. So for the next few days I have some rather original visuals for all of us. Todays visual comes courtesy of my pals Barry and Wendy. Whoever would have thought you could even buy a wine named "White Rabbit" but it is in fact out there and can be purchased at the wine store in Cochrane! I especially love the bottle topper on this unique bottle of wine. Can hardly wait to drink it!!!!!
Barry and Wendy are appreciative of fine wines so I have no doubt this is going to be a vintage to remember!!!
I understand it is snowing in Calgary! I know yesterday we did hit some snow around Hope and this morning I got an email from my Dad telling me that they had to close the highway last night and although it had reopened this morning road conditions were poor at best. Thank goodness we managed to beat that. We almost decided to drive out today as my appointment with the trials doctor isn't until tomorrow. Thank goodness we didn't do that. We were up and off for breakfast early this morning as Kelli was meeting her fellow residents to do some practice work on physical exams. I left the hospital with very specific instructions on how to get back to Maureen and Duanes. At one point I looked at Kelli and said...."I won't get lost! I am an adult!" Well apparently being an adult has absolutely nothing to do with getting lost. Seriously I do believe I am directionally challenged. I managed to find the grocery store with no problem, did a little shopping but then exited the shopping mall from a different exit than I had entered by. I marched off down the street, confidant in my ability to find Maureen's place but after many blocks, sore arms from carrying four bags of groceries and a growing suspicion that I just might have gone the wrong direction I finally decided that I had gone totally in the wrong direction after all. I flagged down a cab, told him to take me to 11th and Birch (at least I knew where I was staying) and ten dollars later arrived back home. I paid the driver, stepped out of the cab and then stared at the various high rise buildings in front of me realizing I wasn't totally sure which one was the one we were staying in. After a little deliberation I approached the one I was pretty sure was the one, swiped the fob.....nothing. Hmmm....wrong one. Next I wandered down the alley as this is the way we had entered and exited through the garage both last night and this morning. Hmmmmm......didn't look quite right. Went to another building and tried swiping the fob again. Nothing......This is getting embarrassing. Finally returned to the first building and bingo....the swipe worked and I was in. Honestly.....I was NOT planning to share this story with anyone. Thought I would just keep it to myself. After all who shares their stupidity with others. I guess that would be me. I knew for sure Kelli would get a laugh out of it....and I was right....and I decided my blog needed a little levity so thought I'd treat each of you to a good chuckle at my expense as well. The only danger here of course is that soon I'm not going to be allowed out on my own! Fortunately, I do have good strategies for problem solving....what better way to find your way home than take a cab when you don't have a clue in the world where you are???
I did hear from the clinic this morning. My appointment is tomorrow morning at 10 and will take at least two hours to complete. Apparently I was supposed to bring copies of my scans and apparently a patient should just know this without being told. Well, I don't have them so guess they will have to request them and have them sent but they won't have them for tomorrows meeting. We have also encountered some difficulties sending my tumour to Boston. Apparently the first consent form I signed (and that would be the one they sent) was not good enough. We just discovered a couple of days ago that the tumour was still in Edmonton and had Kelli not phoned to enquire what was happening, I'm not sure when we might have discovered this. So today, poor Bill was left with the task of dealing with the bureaucracy surrounding the issue of sending human tissue across the border! His text this morning read...."I guess it pays to blow up once in awhile!"
Spring is definitely in the air and I have three friends who have added members to their families. Kathy welcomes George, Tannis welcomes Brisco and Danielle welcomes Jack.
Take a peek!!! They are all adorable!!!
George....a three year old chocolate labrador. Adorable but in need of some manners training I am told! His companion, (the handsome gold guy) Walter will be mentoring this process!
Brisco.....all the chocolate Tannis will ever need! Who could EVER resist this guy??? I must confess I want him!
Meet Jack newest addition to Danielles' gang!. In Danielle's words...."It's lucky he's so cute or he'd be made into labrador stew!" This little guy is a silver labrador! I don't think they are too common. I know I've never seen one!
Well, the wind is howling out there and it has been cool all day but I think I am going to talk Kelli into going for a short bike ride despite the less than ideal cycling conditions. We had a rather decadent lunch at Finches today.....Now we need to get a little exercise and fresh air!
Thanks for sharing my boy Brisco! He is thrilled he now has an online presence! :) As Brisco and I will be up for his regular pee breaks throughout the night I have put a note on his crate to remind us to say (and bark) our white rabbits. Sending you big love and puppy dog kisses! Tannis