I think we've turned the corner...I hope so anyway!
Today was much better. Yesterday was quite challenging - mom had us all confused. She was really quite agitated and hitting her pain button every 5 minutes. She was having all sorts of hallucinations and delusions of which the cause wasn't clear. We weren't sure if she was using too much pain medication, not enough, had an infection or some other precipitant. She had a pretty rough night but when we went in to see her this morning her pain button was wrapped around her IV pole and she hadn't hit it once since 6am. I'm not sure what changed - but her agitation had subsided and with that the urge to press the button did too. The day went on like that - no pain button. By 9 o'clock tonight she had not hit the button even once - zero pain medication the entire day AND she was comfortable. The hallucinations started to fade as well. That's not say that she didn't have any today because she definitely did. The most amusing (of which I have mom's permission to share) occurred when mom and I were watching a chic flick this afternoon. Hours had passed since she had acted "wacky" and I was convinced the delirium had resolved. In the middle of a hot and steamy bedroom scene in the movie, mom looks over at me VERY concerned and says, "should he be there??? Someone should get him out of there!!" It turns out mom was seeing a child on the floor in the bedroom on TV watching the two adults getting all hot and steamy. She was VERY concerned that this was inappropriate for this child to be watching. I had a good laugh...
Things were better all round today. More coughing - bring LOTS more up, better energy, good pain control and even a couple of smiles throughout the afternoon. I am hoping beyond hope that she has a reasonable night. Mom finds the nights very difficult. She gets quite uncomfortable lying down (a product of the chest tubes) and quite disoriented. Sleep has been a major challenge. Fingers crossed for a good sleep and another good day tomorrow!