Thursday, 5 April 2012

Another tough day.  Mom continues to be quite uncomfortable and has been struggling with delirium.  She is having all sorts of funky hallucinations which are terrifying to her and messing with her sleep.  There's a lot causes for delirium - the most obvious being the pain medications. After a long night of bugging the nurses I finally got a work up started to make sure an underlying cause wasn't being missed.  She's doing ok though - everyday we get a little closer to Monday. We are all so cautiously optomistic that the swallowing test will go well (please let it go well).

Not much else to report.  Some people have been asking about visitors.  It was mom's wishes prior to surgery for no visitors and at this point she's still not up for it.

Till tomorrow...


  1. Hey Kelli, please give hugs to your mom from the Doducks! Let her know that Hanna and Jack are reading the blog, and thinking about her!!

    Thank you SO much for continuing the blog for everyone! Ifi was her I would not want visitors either!!!

    Hugs!!! And luv!!!

  2. Thanks so much for the continued updates. Love to your mom.

  3. Hang in there Kelli. Can't imagine what you, Geoff and your dad are going through. Mom is so lucky to have you around. Appreciate the updates. Tell Mom we all love her and wish her the best.
