A very quiet day at home today and much appreciated! No hustle and bustle, no vitals checks, no visitors just quiet peace. Not usually a day I relish. In the past I would find a day like this boring. Today it was lovely.
I realize that interest in this blog will most likely drop off. She's home, she's recovering and that's good. You all need to stop worrying and focussing on me. However, to be honest I have found this blog to become quite therapeutic for me so I will continue to write in it and perhaps one day at the end of this road I can sit back and reread the journey I have been on. So if you've had enough, and it's likely not to be that interesting for awhile feel free to exit with my profound thanks for your support and care.
So my day today. Had the best sleep I have had in a month last night. Bill took away that horrible wedge pillow and put some blocks under the head of the bed as I am not supposed to sleep totally flat at night. Not sure if that was the reason I slept well but I did have a great sleep and woke up feeling pretty darn good this morning. The morning routine takes pretty much the morning. We watched a movie last night so my food had not run through when I got up this morning so headed downstairs to read the paper and wait for that to finish. Cleaned up my equipment and headed down for a shower. Let me tell you showering in your own shower is such a treat after using the hospital showers. Then I bravely stood in front of the mirror (this is the first time I have done this) and analyzed the damage. A little stunning but actually not as bad as I had imagined it might look. The steri strips are starting to come off and the scars are starting to flatten out so doesn't look too terrible. It is going to take a little getting used to this new look but don't think that's going to present too much of a problem. That is frankly the least of my concerns.
Went out for the daily walk and extended it down to the playground then back up the killer hill. Went well. Still huffing more than I would like but can do it non stop without too much heavy breathing. It's just the hills that challenge me really. I am aiming to do my Nose Hill loop next week. It shouldn't be too bad because it is fairly flat. Hopefully we will get some decent weather. The bright spot of the day? Robins! I wait to see them every year. I have heard they have been around for a month but being locked in the hospital I haven't been able to see any. Imagine my delight when we walked out to the front of our house and a tree was full of robins! That to me, along with crocuses is the first sign of spring. So let's get on with it!
Did a few things around the house. Cleaned my purse and wallet (huge job), went through the many cards I have received and enjoyed them a second time, did a little laundry, wrote some thank you cards, sent some emails and cooked a meal (unfortunately, not for me) Still, I'm enjoying feeling like I am contributing a little around here. Nothing happens quickly but I am determined to get back to a functional and independent level of living. This is a long haul and you can only expect so much of your family when it comes to them looking after you. Bill has been amazing. I'm thinking he could have pursued a career in nursing and he would have been excellent at that too. He is a bit of a control freak (but everyone knows that right?) so when I am trying to do things for myself I can feel him just twitching to take over and do it for me. The problem is it becomes very easy to let others take care of you all of the time but there comes a point when you need to take charge of yourself.
The one thing I do have trouble with is changing my dressings so I gladly let him do that.
The Honey Badgers continue to forge ahead and they are having a practice ride this weekend. I am thinking I will ride in the "sag" wagon with Maureen. Hopefully some of them will show up. I know Bill and Duane will be there but not sure if any others. Geoff is $180 away from his $10,000 goal. I have had some people ask how to donate. You just go to Alberta Ride To Conquer Cancer. Enter Geoff Sherlock and you can donate right there and get your tax receipt right away.
So, tomorrow an outing planned. A good friend is retiring and we are planning to drop in and wish him well! A few years ago he and his wife attempted to do "The Ride Across America" but Barry fell off his bike and was injured and had to pull out. For him it is unfinished business and they are now preparing to go for a second attempt. I say good for them! No unfinished business! If you want to do it, make it happen. It's in your power! Take charge and "Just do it".