First of all, a big thankyou to all who have thrown their support behind Geoff! You are the world to me my friends! Hugs to all of you!
Today a long day at the hospital. Had to see both the Radiation Oncology Nurse and the Chemo Doc.
My Radiation Oncologist has gone to India for three weeks so I won't be seeing him until after my surgery. Although I think he is an excellent doctor I won't miss his gloom and doom lecture each week. My other doctor on the other hand is so positive, praises me for continuing my workout routine and tells me there is strong research supporting the fact that people who continue to exercise through their treatments do better! He is also impressed with my weight gain (glad he is....I'm not! But again research shows people with some reserves do better!) I am definitely sporting some reserves at the moment. He commented on the fact I still have my hair....although I was having a very bad hair day today! A little worried as it is dry and dull...hope this isn't the end of it! Kelli on the other hand wouldn't mind seeing me lose it as she bought me a great little hat. I did wear it today to cover the bad hair day! It could become a permanent fixture on my head!
Have been thinking today about people who have inspired me along the way and it occurred to me that we go through life learning from others even when we don't know it's happening. My Mom passed away from Lymphoma almost 11 years ago. She was a total rock through her treatment. The only time I saw her cry was the day she told us she had been diagnosed with cancer and her tears were for what she would be putting us through. From that point forward she was the most proactive, positive person one could imagine, managing her treatments her care and continuing on with her life. Her sense of humour never disappeared. I remember the day I went with her to have a scan and we had to fill out a questionnaire. The tech finally said, Mrs. May, have your daughter fill in the questionnaire while you have your cocktail (barium). Well, I asked the questions and she answered. My Mom was 69 at the time and about halfway through the questionnaire the question came up "Are you Breast feeding?" I posed the question and my mom looked at me deadpan serious and said "Are you hungry?" Well, the two of laughed so hard we just about fell out of the cubicle we were in. I think the tech thought we were the strangest pair he had over seen. Our family was able to enjoy almost 2 years with her following her initial diagnosis and we have never forgotten her spirit and her courage.
My brother was diagnosed with MS a couple of years ago. I am so proud of the proactive way he has been managing his life and his treatment. He has the attitude that he is going to live his life to the fullest. He and his wife Michelle continue to ski, windsurf, hike and do the activities he loves. He follows a rigid diet that is supposed to help control his symptoms. I don't know how he does it. No gluten, no dairy, no red meat.....hard for a guy who like me loves cinnamon buns and pie! He got involved in a drug study that seems to be holding things in check for him. He is doing positively everything he can to maintain a quality life and is doing a darn good job of it. Through all of this he has supported me and my battle. That is what family is about and I thank him and hope he know how much we admire is ATTITUDE!!!
I am now in the home stretch and sprinting for the finish line!!! Only 2 more chemos and 10 more radiations.
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