Monday, 16 January 2012

Today is the start of week 2.  Mondays are long but still cruising along with no adverse effects.  Had both treatments today and was finished a little earlier which gave us time to go for lunch and then catch Geoff's hockey game!  He scored two goals!!! Even when they are 29 you want to stand up and cheer at the top of your lungs when they score!!! 

When we were in the coffee shop having lunch I went to the biffy and saw a poster on the wall that I loved.  It was titled VISION and the message was "Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and direction."  It seemed so appropriate for me at this time.  People are continually commenting that they are amazed at how positive I am.  I think most of you might be surprised at yourself if you were faced with this.  There really are only two choices to make in my opinion and the other is not an option. I know this is not going to be easy but I also know that I can do this.  I thank each and everyone of you who takes the time to remind me of this every single day!  Kelli put an ap on my phone today,  It is a countdown to the end of treatment.  I have 22 days, 19 hours, 19 minutes and 10 seconds to be finished the treatment phase.  My short term goal of course is Geoff and Lindsey's wedding which is om 112 days 18 hours, 18 minutes and 3 seconds!  I plan to be there!  Short and long term goals are really important.

I was talking to my friend Caroline yesterday and we were talking about winning and losing.  I told her I am such a hypocrite. I have a huge confession to make and some of you (including Caroline) already know it.  Although I constantly preach to kids that winning is not important, it actually is really important to me!  I still think you have to play fair, play hard but honestly I HATE LOSING AT ANYTHING.  I'm really not that great of a sport!  There it is said.  I hope the parents of the kids I teach who are reading this are not shocked!!

I seem to be rambling today...must be the drugs!  Talk to you tomorrow!


  1. Leslie, you truly are an inspiration! Sending you lots of hugs and miss you!

  2. So good to see you today at the school! The rumors are true, you really do look amazing! Thanks for giving me your own inspirational quote... paraphrased: "Get out there, you never know what you might be training for!" Off the gym... thanks for the kick in the arse!
