Not much to report… Nausea persists, bowels still not moving...but otherwise doing ok. Hoping tomorrow is going to be the day where she turns the corner! Once the nausea settles and she can start eating she can go home! The surgeon came by today - reports that everything is going well. Liver function is already back to normal - what a phenomenal organ - i still can't wrap my head around how it regenerates!
A big thank you to my Aunti Joanne and Uncle Dick and my cousins for sharing their home with my dad and I this past week. It's Christmas - and exam time - but they have been incredible hosts. They have been great company, great support and have been taking very good care of us. For whatever reason we haven't been super close to them over the years - but this past year I really feel like my family has grown. I'm grateful. My Uncle Dick in particular has been my mom's guardian angel - and we will never be able to thank him enough.
Another big thank you to my dear friend Andy. It's Christmas so family has been trickling home for the holidays. Tonight my Aunt, Uncle and cousin arrived - turning my other Aunt and Uncle's place into a hotel! My friend Andy graciously offered up his apartment to my dad and I! Thank you Andy - I know a whole bunch of people are going to sleep better because of it. I owe you big time -- I promise to chase spectators off the putting green when you marry my best friend Ashley next fall!! Until tomorrow...
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