Tuesday, 21 August 2012

The pictures really don’t do the show justice but if you get a chance to go the International Fireworks display you should go!  It was spectacular....sensory overload.  So good in fact I am going back on Sunday for the finale and am taking my whole family along!  It is so well organized.  You park at Marlborough Mall, take the cheese wagon to Erlton Park for three dollars and believe me you don’t even have to line up.  It drops you right at the gate and you take your blanket or lawn chairs find a spot and it’s show time.  There were probably 20,000 people there.  The entire bowl was full of people and I thought to myself it’s going to take us forever to get back to the mall to pick up our vehicles.  Wrong....we were on the bus in about 5 minutes.  They have it organized like clockwork!!!

Had my chemo today.  I was at the hospital for almost five hours.  That’s the longest it’s ever been.  Don’t know why they were so slow today but it sure makes for a long day.  Left there and decided to pick up some oyster burgers at Billingsgate to take for tomorrow night when we go to Mt. Kidd..  They had none in the freezer but they were on the menu so I asked the girl at the till if I could just buy the oysters raw...no buns or fries ....to take with me.  She said sure no problem, rang them through then went back to explain to the cook what I wanted and also wrote it on the bill that she hung on his display.  I was watching as you can see the area where they cook and he was clearly in a very bad mood.  He was serving up someones fish and chips and just the way he was scooping up the chips to put in the box you could tell he was hot and bothered.  He then looked at the chit she had left him, read it, turned and glared at me.  I smiled pleasantly at him....I am discovering the art of pissing people off by being totally oblivious to the non-verbal messages they are sending me.  Did the same thing last week to the woman who gave me the finger and told me to F*(^ off, for NO REASON WHATSOEVER!!!
It was great fun!  So thought I’d do the same for him it worked so well last time.  Well I watched him take out four oysters and drop them in the deep fat fryer.  I said I want them uncooked.  “Well we don’t sell them uncooked!” he said.  I said “Well, I don’t want them then.”  At that point he scooped them out and put them in the box and handed them to me.  I said “You’ve partially cooked them and I’m not using them until tomorrow.  He answered that it wouldn’t hurt them he had barely cooked them at all which was true.  I was tempted to take them and shove them where the sun don’t shine but I wasn’t up for a fight and I had already paid so I took them, smiled pleasantly and said “Have a nice day..... it’s obviously not been a good one.....you are the grumpiest thing I’ve seen in months!”  You should have seen the shocked look on his face!  Loved it!!  Much more fun than getting into a scrap with him over the stupid oysters.

Left there and headed to the off leash park.  Walk was a little challenging today.  Found I was a little short of breath which I often find after my chemo but enjoyed it anyways.  Must confess though that I am pooped tonight and am meeting friends for coffee in awhile.  Don’t think it’ll be a late night tonight!!!

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