Sunday, 25 March 2012

White Rabbit Reminder for April 1st!!!  Don't be a Fool!

I know I am starting the nag thing a little early but I only have one more day to write in the blog before passing the reins over to Kelli.  Thought you might enjoy seeing my growing "herd" of white bunnies!
Isabelle now has a companion rabbit so far unnamed!  Any suggestions?

Had a wonderful day today.  So far I am hitting all the wedding events!  It was Lindsey's bridal shower today.  A good family friend hosted it along with the help of Lindsey's three bridesmaids.  It was one of the nicest showers I have attended.  A good chance to meet some of the people who will be down in Mexico in (gulp) 39 days!!!  I feel so lucky to be getting Lindsey for a daughter in law!  I told her today that if I lived in a culture that believed in arranged marriages, I would choose her for Geoff!  

Tomorrow we head over to the Foothills for the preop stuff.  No solid food after tonight!  Clear fluids only....but happily black coffee is considered a clear fluid!  Thank goodness for that! My cousin, Trish is coming over tomorrow afternoon to spend the afternoon with me which I always love.  Then Kelli and I will put the finishing touches on the wedding video.  I had thought I would work on it while convalescing but on further thought decided I would be happier if it were finished ahead of time so I'm not stressing over getting it finished.  

I would like to ask people not to come and visit me at the hospital.  Kelli will keep you posted on the blog as to how I am doing. After listening to Dr. Gelfand's description of my surgery and what I will wake up to I am pretty sure I will not be very sociable for the first little bit!  A strange concept for me that's for sure!  Thanks for your support and care!  I have had so many emails over the past couple of days from people wishing me luck, sending me positive energy and prayers and promising to remember their White Rabbits on April 1st.  How can my surgery be anything but successful with all these positive vibes in the atmosphere being sent my way!!!

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