Thursday, 31 January 2013
Just realized I need to send out my visual for the first day of the month! Tomorrow, of course is Blancos Conejos Dia. (White Rabbits Day) As you can see, I have become fully fluent in the Spanish language since arriving here. Each morning the maid makes up the room and we get a different creature creation on our beds. Can you believe she left us a Blancos Conejos!
Today, the clouds are back so we have had a rather laid back day which actually has suited me fine as I have been bitten by a little Montezuma's Revenge myself! Nothing serious and I'm sure by tomorrow I'll be back to fighting form. Gary and Jenifer sailed this morning but had the opposite problem today to the one we experienced the other day. Today the wind just died and they struggled getting in. Bill and I watched from the shore but the antics of the Mexican in charge of the sailboats and kayaks were far more interesting to watch than the slow progress of the sailors. He blew his whistle, stamped his feet, threw things on the ground and threw his hands up in disgust! I'll tell you, he is the unhappiest Mexican I have run into down here but his behaviour is so childish and churlish it is amusing. Today, Jenifer got the lecture because she and Gary were sitting on the same side of the boat. Can't say I was sorry I missed going out today. Shortly after they got in, the rain started to come down so we headed up to the water spa and spent some time in the hot pools before lunch. At lunch the waiter came over to see what we would like to drink Jenifer ordered ice tea, I had hot tea and Bill asked for five tequilas! You should have seen the waiters face light up! Whenever you turn down booze here they seem totally disappointed and in a state of disbelief! I'm sure they think we are a lazy bunch of drunks! Bill quickly changed his mind which was a huge disappointment to the waiter but we did tell him...."tomorrow!" We'll have to be sure to sit in a different section at lunch time tomorrow.
Still hoping to do a side trip to a Cenote but only have two days left so want a hot sunny day for that activity. We have one picked out....just need the weather to cooperate!
So Blancos Conejos All!!!! Beuonos Dias!
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
The holiday is just slipping away on us. Even those relatively quiet, uneventful days just seem to fly by. I am sitting in the hotel lobby right now waiting for Casino Night to start. There is a guy down here with two iguanas. He just gave them to a couple of little kids to get their picture taken. The little girl was quite emphatic that she did not want it on her blanket "Because he would poop on it!" The brother however was happy to hold it and even put it on his head.
Up this morning and off to yoga class. We had a new instructor today and boy was he a keener and excellent at what he did! He had us working and the class went for an hour and forty minutes. We thought the other girl was good but this guy was awesome! He moved amongst the group of us and readjusted and repositioned us. Told me my Warrior Two was fantastic which I definitely know was not true but it felt good to get a compliment anyways. I knew I had had a workout by the end of the class!
After breakfast we went over to the sister resort to the one we are at today called Sandos Carocol. Similar in some ways but also had some significant differences. When we got there we wandered around a bit then checked out the beach for awhile. The clouds started to roll in so we decided to check out the many walking trails. We came upon a Mayan show which was actually really good.
Had a decent dinner at the Japanese Restaurant and then headed back to our own resort for the night entertainment....Casino Night. Fake money so no danger I will come home destitute. Still looking at the iguanas. Will try to talk Jenifer into getting our picture taken! I think she's worried it will poop on her too!
Up this morning and off to yoga class. We had a new instructor today and boy was he a keener and excellent at what he did! He had us working and the class went for an hour and forty minutes. We thought the other girl was good but this guy was awesome! He moved amongst the group of us and readjusted and repositioned us. Told me my Warrior Two was fantastic which I definitely know was not true but it felt good to get a compliment anyways. I knew I had had a workout by the end of the class!
After breakfast we went over to the sister resort to the one we are at today called Sandos Carocol. Similar in some ways but also had some significant differences. When we got there we wandered around a bit then checked out the beach for awhile. The clouds started to roll in so we decided to check out the many walking trails. We came upon a Mayan show which was actually really good.
Had a decent dinner at the Japanese Restaurant and then headed back to our own resort for the night entertainment....Casino Night. Fake money so no danger I will come home destitute. Still looking at the iguanas. Will try to talk Jenifer into getting our picture taken! I think she's worried it will poop on her too!
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Yah Kul....Akumel |
An excellent day but not without some drama! We decided today would be a good day to visit Ya Kul at Akumel which is a lagoon, excellent for snorkelling. Bill and I have been there a few times and have always enjoyed ourselves. Today was a great day. The water was clear despite the downpour we had overnight and there were lots of fish to be seen. I even saw a barracuda! We spent a few hours there and then headed back to the resort for a late lunch before our sailboat session at three. Headed down to the beach but noticed that the surf was pretty rough and then wind was blowing straight towards the beach which was quite different from what we had the previous day. Gary decided he didn't feel like sailing today so Jenifer thought she'd take the boat out herself. Like Gary, I wasn't too sure about the wind so told Bill I would just be the passenger again today. We headed over to the sign up place to get our life jackets and to check in and wouldn't you know it.....I get the lecture again about how to take the boat over the sand bar. I made a pointed effort to look the guy in the eye for the entire talk but couldn't help wondering what it is about me that he only speaks to me and totally ignores Jenifer and Bill. that straight and we headed down to the water. Jenifer took off first and with some effort was able to get over the sandbar. Bill and I were not having as much luck and just about flipped our boat a couple of times. The Mexican fellow finally came out and was trying to push the boat over the sandbar with no luck. Suddenly he looked off into the distance and said "We're done here today!" I was actually quite relieved and we headed back into shore. The younger Mexican helper was on board with us at this point trying to beach the boat while the huge surf pummelled us around. I was looking out towards the bow of the boat and had no idea that both Bill and the Mexican had jumped ship, leaving me sitting there naively waiting to beach. I looked back over my shoulder and was shocked to see I was whipping along parallel to the shore with no one driving the damn thing. The Mexican was racing along behind trying to catch up to me and did manage to jump aboard and bring the boat around. Needless to say he was more than pissed off! Meanwhile Jenifer managed to tip her boat over and had drifted into the swimming area. The funny thing was that she was trying to google how to right a Hobie Cat if it flips just this morning and all she could gather from the instructions was that it is darn difficult. The Mexican then went rushing over to where she was and managed to ring the boat in. I desperately wanted to grab my camera and take a photo but for once common sense kicked in....I'm pretty sure he would have killed me! It'll be interesting to see what happens the next time we go to sign up. He was clearly not happy with us today! After he got us beached he took another fellow out with him. I must confess as mean spirited as it sounds, I was hoping like heck he would flip the boat! That unfortunately did not happen but even he had some challenges getting out initially so it wasn't just our incompetence!
Bill and Gary have hit the gym for their afternoon workouts. I had thought of going but must confess snorkelling does take it out of me and I'm thinking I'm going to have a shower and relax before dinner.
I'm hearing reports of chilly weather back home and can't say I'm anxious to return even though it sounds as if the Flames have finally managed to win a game!
Adios Amigos....until tomorrow!
Monday, 28 January 2013
Our Beach |
A week gone and I can hardly believe it! The time has just flown by and when I hear you have a storm blowing in I am more than happy to be sitting on the beach sipping a cold drink!
Another lovely day today. Jenifer, Gary and I hit the yoga class first thing this morning. Bill still a little under the weather although he does seem somewhat improved today. I have found I am really, really good at the final pose of the class....not sure how to spell it...Shivasan???? Basically you just lie there and think of nothing with the ocean breeze blowing through your hair. I think I am the best in the class at this one and honestly, it is the only "pose" I feel I am doing right! Years of running and not stretching are catching up with me.
After yoga we headed off for breakfast and then down to the beach. We booked two sailboats today so all four of us went sailing at once. The wind was pretty brisk and we thought we were doing pretty good, however, at one point I looked over and about thirty feet away there were rocks jutting out of the water! Bill hadn't even noticed them! Good thing we paid our $10 insurance fee! In any case when we returned the boat we or I should say I got a stern lecture. The funny thing was I wasn't even sailing the boat.....I was simply the innocent passenger. The Mexican was explaining where we were allowed to go and I was not really paying much attention as I thought (and still think) the talk should have been directed at the skipper (that would be Bill) not me! Finally, the Mexican said to me in a very exasperated voice...."Seniorita.....look at me!" Basically....PAY ATTENTION SENIORITA! I was told this not once, but three times. Talk about being unfairly accused of something you didn't do.
Had a lovely day on the beach then hit the gym for a little workout, then enjoyed the water spa with Jenifer and studied the various thongs. It's's not about boobs's all about the bum. Everyone is wearing thongs and honestly they look gross on the vast majority of bodies wearing them. Today we even saw a guy and his girl wearing a matching set. I was totally kicking myself that I didn't have my camera! I may just spend a day taking some sneak photos to share with you. I've never seen as many of them as we have seen here this week. It is very entertaining to people watch that's for sure.
Then there's the business of tattoos! Of course almost every young person has at least one these days but here you see them on ALL ages. I saw a couple of women who were probably hitting close to seventy, both sporting major tattoos. Today the couple beside us at the beach were covered. He had a bunch of fish on his back and she had an assortment of things but the thing that caught my eye was the writing across her back...."DADDY'S LITTLE GIRL!" Now who puts that on their back??? I will apologize in advance if any of you have this slogan printed on your body but that is just plain weird!
We went to the Brazillian Restaurant tonight and although we were a little skeptical it turned out to be delicious. They barbecue a series of meats and bring the skewers around to your tables. We had three different kinds of beef, turkey wrapped in bacon, chicken, sweet breads and grilled pineapple and it was really delicious! We will definitely revisit this one before we leave.
Sunday, 27 January 2013
Great day today. Another rain free day with some cloud but basically lovely weather. We started off the day with breakfast. Bill is experiencing some bummy.....oops I meant to type tummy issues but hopefully they will be short lived. He's thinking it's probably the lunch we had off the resort when we went to Coba.
We had breakfast at our usual 8 am time and then headed down to the beach. Gary and Jenifer booked a Hobie Craft to go sailing and I decided I would watch and decide if Jenifer knew what she was doing. They did very well so we reserved again for the afternoon. The Mexican social crew arrived on the beach around noon to do a Zumba class. I have never tried that so we decided to give it a go. Great fun and a decent workout. Had lunch and then Jenifer and I took the Hobie Craft out again. Good stiff winds but not too much for us. They have two of these sailboats on the resort that are open for guests to use and they go pretty steady all day long. Finished up at the beach about 3:30 and headed back to our unit to grab our tennis gear. Wasn't sure how that was going to go but it actually wasn't too bad. I was puffing pretty good and only lasted about 45 minutes but enjoyed the activity and will certainly do it again. We are just kicking back for a bit before Happy Hour and Dinner. It's been another great day!
We had breakfast at our usual 8 am time and then headed down to the beach. Gary and Jenifer booked a Hobie Craft to go sailing and I decided I would watch and decide if Jenifer knew what she was doing. They did very well so we reserved again for the afternoon. The Mexican social crew arrived on the beach around noon to do a Zumba class. I have never tried that so we decided to give it a go. Great fun and a decent workout. Had lunch and then Jenifer and I took the Hobie Craft out again. Good stiff winds but not too much for us. They have two of these sailboats on the resort that are open for guests to use and they go pretty steady all day long. Finished up at the beach about 3:30 and headed back to our unit to grab our tennis gear. Wasn't sure how that was going to go but it actually wasn't too bad. I was puffing pretty good and only lasted about 45 minutes but enjoyed the activity and will certainly do it again. We are just kicking back for a bit before Happy Hour and Dinner. It's been another great day!
One Tequila, two Tequila, three Tequila, Floor..... |
Bill Kite Surfing! Yahoo! |
Friday, 25 January 2013
Although it POURED all night and we woke up to the sound of driving rain this morning the day was better and we did not have a drop of rain once the day got started. Still a little on the cooler side but still quite a pleasant day. We are all crossing our fingers that we have turned the corner even though the forecast still shows rain in the days ahead. In any case we had a good day and if nothing else we will all probably return to Calgary fitter than we left. Jenifer and I got up and hit the yoga class this morning which was down on the beach. We were not sure what to expect but were pleasantly surprised. It was an excellent class and although neither of us is great at yoga I think we were definitely better than the majority of our classmates. That's pretty pathetic when you consider I'm just six weeks out from a major surgery and Jenifer has been battling a rather horrible case of vertigo for the past several days. Try doing yoga when you can't balance. She did really well until we had to do one pose that caused her to fall over. I just about belly laughed and then realized nobody else even cracked a smile! Managed to control my giggles but it was pretty funny!
We spent some time down on the beach today and although it was a little breezy it was fun to watch all the kite surfers. You can take a lesson for around three hundred dollars and then use the boards for a couple of hours. Most of the guys doing it today were pretty decent although there was one guy who kept flying off his board head first and was having some difficulty getting back up. Seems to me that if you can wakeboard or snowboard you'd probably be pretty decent at this one. I don't think it's an activity I'd be particularly good at but both Jenifer and I thought our sons would really enjoy it! There was a wedding down on the beach today. I felt a little sorry for the bride. Not the kind of day I'm sure she imagined for her beach wedding in Mexico. I'm thinking they must have just about poured an entire bottle of hairspray on her head to keep her hair in place it was so windy. We watched the set up and the pre-wedding photos. We actually had front row seats as our beach chairs were right in front of where the wedding was going to occur. The black clouds kept moving in and out and I seriously thought they might get rained on but fortunately the rain stayed away for the entire afternoon. It made me really appreciate Geoff and Lindsey's wedding down here last May but at a different resort. We had a fabulous day and the resort where they opted to have their ceremony actually had a private area where the wedding and after reception occurred so you didn't have the prying eyes of all the other hotel guests watching you get married. Good choice Lindsey and Geoff!!!
About three we all decided we had had enough beach. Gary headed off for a run, (Bill had already done his earlier in the day) and the rest of us headed to the coffee shop for our afternoon mocha latte. We then headed back to our units. Jenifer wanted to go for a swim and I wanted to hit the fitness facility to ride a bike for a bit and get back to the weights. I'm six weeks out from my surgery now which means I can now get back to regular activities. As I expected I was not stellar on the weights and have regressed back to the baby weights. I was doing so good before my surgery but several weeks away from it just put me right back to where I started. In any case, it will get better I know that....just takes time.
There are many animals around this resort ranging from Howler Monkeys (and do they ever howl) to cats, donkeys, and a couple of other creatures that I'm not sure of what they are called!. Always makes it interesting wandering around as you come across them constantly.
Had dinner at the Asian Restaurant tonight. Excellent meal! We all loved our choices. So much better than the buffet! From there we hit the evening show which had a circus theme tonight. It was fabulous! I think they have the best shows we have ever seen at an all inclusive. Both last night and tonight were outstanding! Jenifer and I did a lot of sun salutations at yoga this morning so are counting on a sunny day tomorrow.....time to get into that ocean and do some snorkelling!
Had dinner at the Asian Restaurant tonight. Excellent meal! We all loved our choices. So much better than the buffet! From there we hit the evening show which had a circus theme tonight. It was fabulous! I think they have the best shows we have ever seen at an all inclusive. Both last night and tonight were outstanding! Jenifer and I did a lot of sun salutations at yoga this morning so are counting on a sunny day tomorrow.....time to get into that ocean and do some snorkelling!
Thursday, 24 January 2013
The internet is very slow tonight so hoping I'm not going to have problems publishing todays blog. Will give it a go and cross my fingers but probably won't address any of the emails in my inbox today.
Today, weather improved slightly but still not hot, sunny beach weather which we are all ready for after being here for three days. We decided it would be a good day to check out the ruins at Coba today. Bill and I have been there before but Gary and Jenifer have not seen them so it seemed like a good day to take an excursion. It has been really nice to have a car so we aren't dependent on the tour companies. More pleasant not to be herded like cattle and certainly less expensive. The day was quite pleasant for doing the walk into the ruins and although there were lots of people there it was good fun. We had lunch in a little roadside cafe....cross my fingers that wasn't a foolish move but did stay away from fresh vegetables and fruits. We considered stopping to check out one of the many cenotes along the route but decided to save that experience for another day. Got back to the resort and Jenifer and I headed to the Cupcake Cafe for our afternoon mocha coffees. Gary opted for a nap and Bill went for a workout. After we finished our coffees we decided to hit the spa and spent some time in the hot tub. Whoever would have thought you'd come to Mexico and sit in a hot tub. Not I!!! The place was packed however, so there were many others like us that thought this was a great idea. Supper tonight was at the Mediterranean Restaurant and the food was very good. We have found the ala carte restaurants at this resort to be quite decent so far and intend to try them all out. After dinner we hit the theatre, not really knowing what to expect but were very pleasantly surprised. There was a Brazillian group performing. They had a group of drummers and several amazingly athletic dancers who made you dizzy watching their moves. We all enjoyed it tremendously.
Tomorrow, once again, we are hoping for sunshine and a beach day. The resort has little sailboats that you can sign out and if the weather is good we will take them out tomorrow. Just give us a little sun!
Today, weather improved slightly but still not hot, sunny beach weather which we are all ready for after being here for three days. We decided it would be a good day to check out the ruins at Coba today. Bill and I have been there before but Gary and Jenifer have not seen them so it seemed like a good day to take an excursion. It has been really nice to have a car so we aren't dependent on the tour companies. More pleasant not to be herded like cattle and certainly less expensive. The day was quite pleasant for doing the walk into the ruins and although there were lots of people there it was good fun. We had lunch in a little roadside cafe....cross my fingers that wasn't a foolish move but did stay away from fresh vegetables and fruits. We considered stopping to check out one of the many cenotes along the route but decided to save that experience for another day. Got back to the resort and Jenifer and I headed to the Cupcake Cafe for our afternoon mocha coffees. Gary opted for a nap and Bill went for a workout. After we finished our coffees we decided to hit the spa and spent some time in the hot tub. Whoever would have thought you'd come to Mexico and sit in a hot tub. Not I!!! The place was packed however, so there were many others like us that thought this was a great idea. Supper tonight was at the Mediterranean Restaurant and the food was very good. We have found the ala carte restaurants at this resort to be quite decent so far and intend to try them all out. After dinner we hit the theatre, not really knowing what to expect but were very pleasantly surprised. There was a Brazillian group performing. They had a group of drummers and several amazingly athletic dancers who made you dizzy watching their moves. We all enjoyed it tremendously.
Tomorrow, once again, we are hoping for sunshine and a beach day. The resort has little sailboats that you can sign out and if the weather is good we will take them out tomorrow. Just give us a little sun!
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Another rainy day. We didn't even hit the beach today. Still, I'm getting messages from those of you back home telling me that they would certainly prefer a little rain and balmy temperatures than the -14 and blowing that is happening in Calgary. I hear you!
Despite the weather we had a nice day today. Got up and had breakfast. Bill then went to meet with the Sandos "representatives:" who wanted to tell him all about the new improvements! Well, basically they just wanted more money and soon figured out that wasn't going to happen. I didn't even go to the session. Instead, Gary, Jenifer and I hit the coffee shop and had mocha coffee's and watched all the guests wandering around looking a little disgruntled with their umbrellas. We finished up there and headed up to the lobby to check our email as we thought that was the only place we could get internet. Just discovered, however, that we have internet in our room which will certainly make me more committed to updating my blog and responding to emails. We then had lunch....seems like you do eat a lot at these places and then decided we all needed a little exercise. The guys opted for a run but Jenifer and I hit the Fitness/Spa facility. Did a good workout on the bike then sat in the heated hydro pool which is quite nice when the weather is a little on the cool side. We were just getting ready to leave and I poked my head in the steam room which had a eucalyptus aroma which is great for clearing the breathing passages. I always have a bit of a frog in my throat so this was great for me!!
Gary has just knocked on the door so we are heading off to the French restaurant for dinner. Tomorrow we are going to head off to Coba. Weather is supposed to be a little off again tomorrow and then is supposed to improve. Cross my fingers!
Despite the weather we had a nice day today. Got up and had breakfast. Bill then went to meet with the Sandos "representatives:" who wanted to tell him all about the new improvements! Well, basically they just wanted more money and soon figured out that wasn't going to happen. I didn't even go to the session. Instead, Gary, Jenifer and I hit the coffee shop and had mocha coffee's and watched all the guests wandering around looking a little disgruntled with their umbrellas. We finished up there and headed up to the lobby to check our email as we thought that was the only place we could get internet. Just discovered, however, that we have internet in our room which will certainly make me more committed to updating my blog and responding to emails. We then had lunch....seems like you do eat a lot at these places and then decided we all needed a little exercise. The guys opted for a run but Jenifer and I hit the Fitness/Spa facility. Did a good workout on the bike then sat in the heated hydro pool which is quite nice when the weather is a little on the cool side. We were just getting ready to leave and I poked my head in the steam room which had a eucalyptus aroma which is great for clearing the breathing passages. I always have a bit of a frog in my throat so this was great for me!!
Gary has just knocked on the door so we are heading off to the French restaurant for dinner. Tomorrow we are going to head off to Coba. Weather is supposed to be a little off again tomorrow and then is supposed to improve. Cross my fingers!
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
One of the many pools |
Our Unit |
It's good luck to rub a budha's tummy!!! |
Our Room |
![]() |
Our own hot tub! |
Sunday, 20 January 2013
I have not even poked my nose out the door today. Spent the morning rounding up my summer clothes and getting packed. I find when I do a trip like this I always take way to much goal simply being to stay below the 50 lb. limit. When we go to places like Peru or Nepal I am very conscious that I need to pack little but when heading to an all inclusive in Mexico I seem to lose all common sense. For petes' sakes.....who needs four swim suits! The trouble is I couldn't decide which one not to take....well, not entirely true....the bikinis have been retired!
In any case, I am all packed and my bag is easily twice the size of Bills'.
Had a family dinner last night. My cousin Trish and I try to do this every couple of months but I must confess she has been the hostess for this past year. Last night I bit the bullet and decided it was for sure my turn to host. I have not done a whole lot of entertaining this past year and must confess you do get a little out of practice. I tell myself it's not about the food but that's not entirely true, but quite honestly just getting everyone together is such a good feeling. We had everyone here last night except for Mike who had to work and of course Trish and Gerry's Katie and her family (Katie lives in Ireland!).....
The Grandpas and the Girls!!
Adios Amigos!!! Time to get back to the Flames Game! I am embarrassed to say, that like many I have hopped right back on the band wagon and am watching todays opener against San Jose!!!
In any case, I am all packed and my bag is easily twice the size of Bills'.
Had a family dinner last night. My cousin Trish and I try to do this every couple of months but I must confess she has been the hostess for this past year. Last night I bit the bullet and decided it was for sure my turn to host. I have not done a whole lot of entertaining this past year and must confess you do get a little out of practice. I tell myself it's not about the food but that's not entirely true, but quite honestly just getting everyone together is such a good feeling. We had everyone here last night except for Mike who had to work and of course Trish and Gerry's Katie and her family (Katie lives in Ireland!).....
The Grandpas and the Girls!!
Me and my Cousin Trish... |
Adios Amigos!!! Time to get back to the Flames Game! I am embarrassed to say, that like many I have hopped right back on the band wagon and am watching todays opener against San Jose!!!
Saturday, 19 January 2013
We are just about ready to head off for Mexico for two weeks! Yesterday Bill drove Boomer out to his favourite place on earth....Kim and Gregs', complete with cats, horses, freedom and most of all golden retriever...Wyatt. Bill arrived home shaking his head. Our not so loyal, well loved pet didn't even give him a second glance as he drove away! Going to Kim and Gregs' is like going to summer camp and we always have to deal with the aftermath of this visit. Big sighs, woeful looks.....the message being that our place is SO BORING compared to life with Wyatt. I want to share a letter with you that came home with Boomer after one of his was addressed to Mom and Dad!
I am no longer a city dog visiting the country....I am a country dog living in the city
I am comfortable around horses and barn cats-they are my friends!
Wyatt gets a cookie when he goes in his too
I went target shooting one day and boy are guns loud! Wyatt likes not so much
I would like someone in our house to take up hunting - I like watching wild game being skinned
I ride on the back of the quad with Wyatt and sometimes by myself....I also jump down on my own. Mom can you buy a quad for your daily runs?
Wyatt lets me sleep on his Bass Pro Shop 'Redhead' Realtree camo reversible washable dog bed....and I loved it. Did I mention there are only 20 shopping days till Christmas?
Did you know that skunks smell real bad? I do!!!
Did you know that horse poop tastes good? Probably not, but no matter more for me!
Wyatt gets a cookie for lunch - me too
I was getting really good at Frisbee before the snow came. I don't jump for it but if it's thrown just right I can catch it. It helps if it's one of those flexible, soft, flying squirrel frisbees. Say, do I have a birthday coming up? Just don't leave me alone with it because I like to chew on it!
It's OK about not emailing how much you missed me. Really. (see above for dog bed and frisbee items)
Wyatt and I really enjoyed playing tub o'war with his rope but I got bored so I ate it.
I helped Kim and Greg feed the horses every day. Harley sure likes his horse krunch. Me too!!!
My 'Bud' Wyatt and I have grown very close and I expect to be able to come visit him on a more frequent basis, not just when you guys go on a trip......AND.......
Wyatt gets a cookie at 9 PM every night for being a really good boy all day - me too!!
So that's it in a nutshell! I have often joked that if I came back as a dog I would want to have Boomers' life! Think I will head up and start pulling out my swim suits and shorts! I'm planning to take my computer so hopefully will be able to continue the blog....Adios amigos! Off to the all inclusive with the goal that I will gain at LEAST two pounds! How many people go on a holiday hoping to gain weight!!!
Friday, 18 January 2013
Oh boy...I'm in trouble. Did not write the blog yesterday. I know from experience there's a small group out there, the leader being my daughter, who get worried when the blog does not happen without any prior explanation. Yesterday was just one of those days. I started my oral chemo maybe I had chemo brain! Not. Actually, for the most part I have very few side effects from the capecitabine so don't think I can blame it on that. Let's just say the day got away on me. I got up and actually did a little housework....something I am not nearly as committed to as I once was. In any case, got that done and decided to go see Geoff's hockey game at COP. I haven't been to a game this season and thought it would be a good fix for the hockey drought we've all experienced this season. To be honest I haven't really missed it but I will probably be one of those people watching Sundays opener. Back to Geoff's game was the B shift Bullies playing the D shift Devils! Lots of goals....13-7!!! It's funny, these guys are all adults but there were a couple of funny, almost child like moments in the game. The first was on a face-off in front of the Bullies bench. I looked over and saw two of the Bullies on the bench reaching out and poking one of the Devils with their sticks as the puck was being dropped. Had to shake my head.... The next happened when one of the Devils was tripped and hurt his knee. You would think playing in a league of EMS players that you would get immediate attention. Quite the contrary. The guys on the bench glanced over at this poor guy swearing and writhing around on the ice and then went back to their visiting. The guys on the ice gathered around him in a circle and just looked at was like ..."Get up man and get off the ice.....we have a game to play!" I told Geoff at supper I was surprised at the reaction of everyone. He just laughed and told me that last year a guy broke his ankle. They dragged him off the ice, sat him on a chair (not even facing the ice) called an ambulance (told them it wasn't an emergency so the poor guy had to wait 45 minutes) and went back to their game!
In any case, I enjoyed the game tremendously....doesn't matter if your kid is 9 or 29 (almost 30), I think you always enjoy being part of their lives. Having said that I was reading the paper this morning about "Helicopter Parents." Hmmmm.....think many of us are guilty of this to some degree but honestly can you imagine going to your kids job interview, or calling up their employer demanding to know why they yelled at your kid? Can you imagine challenging the university on your kids grades??? Well, yes I can imagine that but I would never do it. What about doing your child's papers or assignments or writing them a reference letter for a job? I couldn't write a paper for Kelli if I wanted to! I do have some memories of rescuing my kids when they were in school. I still remember the summer Geoff had his appendix out the end of June was discharged the day before Stampede started. He also had a job down at the grounds as an usher at the Grandstand. On top of all this he had to attend summer school as he had not passed Math that year. So the poor kid had to be at Viscount every morning (five days a week) at 8 AM. He was there until noon then I would pick him up and drive him down to the Stampede Grounds where he would work until midnight! This, just after having surgery! In any case one day he didn't have time to get his homework done and the homework counted as a portion of the final grade. Guess who did the assignment?!!! And I was actually pretty proud of myself as I was never really great at math and that Pure Math program that my kids had to do was like a foreign language to me! As I read the article this morning I told Bill I still felt guilty about this. He snorted righteously and I reminded him of the time he built a car out of popsicle sticks and elastics for Geoff's grade 8 science project while the group of students played floor hockey in our basement. The sad part is that Bill only got 65% on "his" grade 8 project. point is....."Guilty" but not as guilty as some people. How bout you!!???
Kelli back in town for the weekend. She is out in Vancouver for the month doing a very intense rotation in the ICU. Steep learning curve but one that I think she has enjoyed.
So, again apologies to those of you who thought "something might be wrong." Everything was actually right. Hockey game, shopping, visit with Kathy, dinner with Geoff, to bed early!!!! Those are my excuses.
In any case, I enjoyed the game tremendously....doesn't matter if your kid is 9 or 29 (almost 30), I think you always enjoy being part of their lives. Having said that I was reading the paper this morning about "Helicopter Parents." Hmmmm.....think many of us are guilty of this to some degree but honestly can you imagine going to your kids job interview, or calling up their employer demanding to know why they yelled at your kid? Can you imagine challenging the university on your kids grades??? Well, yes I can imagine that but I would never do it. What about doing your child's papers or assignments or writing them a reference letter for a job? I couldn't write a paper for Kelli if I wanted to! I do have some memories of rescuing my kids when they were in school. I still remember the summer Geoff had his appendix out the end of June was discharged the day before Stampede started. He also had a job down at the grounds as an usher at the Grandstand. On top of all this he had to attend summer school as he had not passed Math that year. So the poor kid had to be at Viscount every morning (five days a week) at 8 AM. He was there until noon then I would pick him up and drive him down to the Stampede Grounds where he would work until midnight! This, just after having surgery! In any case one day he didn't have time to get his homework done and the homework counted as a portion of the final grade. Guess who did the assignment?!!! And I was actually pretty proud of myself as I was never really great at math and that Pure Math program that my kids had to do was like a foreign language to me! As I read the article this morning I told Bill I still felt guilty about this. He snorted righteously and I reminded him of the time he built a car out of popsicle sticks and elastics for Geoff's grade 8 science project while the group of students played floor hockey in our basement. The sad part is that Bill only got 65% on "his" grade 8 project. point is....."Guilty" but not as guilty as some people. How bout you!!???
Kelli back in town for the weekend. She is out in Vancouver for the month doing a very intense rotation in the ICU. Steep learning curve but one that I think she has enjoyed.
So, again apologies to those of you who thought "something might be wrong." Everything was actually right. Hockey game, shopping, visit with Kathy, dinner with Geoff, to bed early!!!! Those are my excuses.
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Up early this morning as I had an 8:00 appointment at the Tom Baker. Didn't sleep worth a hoot last night...the usual anxiousness that Bill says he just doesn't get....however, I notice he never sleeps that well on the nights before my appointments either. We arrived on time and checked in at 7:55 AM. The receptionist didn't say a word, just took my information, handed me the same questionnaire you fill out on every single visit and indicated we should wait to be summoned to the next seating area. Got the questionnaire completed and was then escorted to the next waiting area. I think they figure if they keep moving you to a new chair you will feel like you are making progress. It was busy this morning and it was pretty obvious that the vast majority of the patients waiting were a "new crop". The usual signs.....carrying binders and books, had their hair, etc. etc. Well we sat and we waited and we waited and patient after patient, many who arrived long after I had were taken into examining rooms. I finally looked at Bill and said "Do you think we have an appointment?" He said he had been thinking the same thing so he went back to the reception area to ask if we were on the appointment schedule. Yes we were, but not until 9:30!!! Not sure if Bill got the time wrong when he talked to them last week or they gave us the wrong time but we didn't even get into an examining room until 9:45. Let me tell you my toes were tapping! The nurse came in and looked right at Bill and asked him how he was feeling. She was getting the blood pressure machine ready and I stuck out my arm. She looked a little stunned and said "You're the patient?" I just roared! Made my day! Bill did not think it was nearly as funny as I did! Saw my doctors resident and she indicated that my doctor wanted to start me on chemo immediately. I told her we had tried to call last week, twice actually, to tell them we were going away for a couple of weeks on Monday and that I had hoped to come in last week to start my chemo if that was the plan so that I would at least have a week to recover before taking off. At that time we were assured that we would get a call back once they had discussed it with the doctor. This, however, did not happen and we just assumed that maybe the doctor had decided to wait until my return from Mexico to start my treatments up again. In any case, after some discussion, it was decided that I should start the oral chemo tomorrow and would have my first IV treatment as soon as I returned from Mexico. A good compromise I think and one my doctor seemed to think was acceptable. Must confess, it has been a real treat to not have any chemo for the past several weeks! It will be hard to go back to that regime after being free from it! The nurse gave me my requisition for blood work and stressed three times that they would only call me if the bloodwork was not good and that if I did not hear from them I should start the meds tomorrow morning! Finished up at the clinic and headed to the pharmacy to get my oral chemo and were told the meds wouldn't be available for at least an hour or two. So off to the lab to get my blood work done, pleased to see it wasn't too stacked up. What I didn't see was that there was only one tech working and progress was as slow as molasses. I think I waited for close to an hour before they finally got me in. From there back upstairs to pick up the meds then off to grab breakfast. We have taken to going out for either breakfast or lunch after these appointments. One of my nurses gave me a list of breakfast/lunch places that she really liked so we have been working through the list and have found some real little gems. Finished breakfast and headed over to Golf Town to pick up a club then out to Lowes and Cross Iron Mills as Bill had spotted a great deal on a drill he wanted. A guy never, ever has enough tools.......especially when they are on sale! Honestly....While he was shopping at Lowes I cruised the mall. While walking around my phone started to ring. Took one look and saw it was the Tom Baker! Sh*&#!!! They told me they would only call if the blood work was not good. Now I'm steaming as I'm fumbling to answer the call thinking to myself that it was looking like Mexico was not going to happen after all! I finally answer and get this cheery voice on the other end. "Hi Leslie....just calling to tell you your blood work is good and you can go ahead and start your meds tomorrow!" Grrrrr......when you want them to call they don't....when you don't expect them to call, they do...." Three times they told call....good news!!!
Didn't get home until 3 PM. Not that the day was all that active but must confess I'm feeling just a little drained.
Think I'll sign off and leave you with a picture of Boomer enjoying spaghetti! I think these are quite humorous! I am seriously thinking of doing a photo shoot on him to practice everything I learned in my photography course. He is so photogenic!!! Not that these are great photos but it's hard to dangle spaghetti and shoot a photo at the same time. The technique needs a little work and I need him to gobble a little slower!!!

Didn't get home until 3 PM. Not that the day was all that active but must confess I'm feeling just a little drained.
Think I'll sign off and leave you with a picture of Boomer enjoying spaghetti! I think these are quite humorous! I am seriously thinking of doing a photo shoot on him to practice everything I learned in my photography course. He is so photogenic!!! Not that these are great photos but it's hard to dangle spaghetti and shoot a photo at the same time. The technique needs a little work and I need him to gobble a little slower!!!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013
It has been a whirlwind day! I've decided that I always feel better when I'm busy. I seem to have my little spells when I'm sitting around doing nothing. In any case it was pretty much a full day today.
I had arranged to write my photography exam this morning. I spent quite a bit of time yesterday cramming it in but there were a few concepts I just couldn't seem to get my head to absorb. It didn't matter how many times I went over just didn't settle in the old brain. So this morning, finished my breakfast and headed over to Sait. Found a parking spot right in front of the building where I was going which I thought was a good omen. You know how I'm into good luck etc. In any case, pulled out my notes and spent fifteen more minutes stuffing it all in. I think Kelli calls cramming like this "Stuff it and Flush it!" Found my instructors office and he handed me my test. It was printed on blue favourite colour! Another good omen I'm hoping. He then took me to a room around the corner and said to go ahead and bring it hack to him when I was done! I was pleasantly surprised and although I don't know what my grade was I'm pretty sure I'm not going to go down in history as the first person ever to fail the final exam in photography has been weighing on my mind.
I had many people ask me why I was even bothering to write it but I'm one of those people who had parents who always said that you had to finish the task you signed up for. I also raised my kids that way. If you signed up for something and didn't like it that was too had to see it through to the end before you had the option of deciding whether or not you wished to continue on. The only activity that we ever really had problems with was power skating. We always signed Geoff up for power skating with his friend Trevor. Both boys were on the small side and played fairly high level hockey so we figured it was important they could skate fast so they wouldn't get nailed by the bigger boys. A girl named Deanna used to teach the class and it was an hour of gruelling work! It kind of went against Geoff's philosophy that anything he did he wanted to enjoy and it had to be fun. Trevor was a little the same way and the fact that the class was early Saturday mornings didn't help sell it either! Trevor didn't resists as much as Geoff but I think both boys would have dearly loved to have ditched that class and slept in Saturday mornings! It was one, however, that, as parents, we thought it was an important survival skill to be able to skate well so we signed them up for several rounds in spite of the protest vote! Sorry Geoff but it did save your bacon.....well at least some of your bacon!
From Sait I headed down to Kensington to meet up for lunch with Diane, Caroline and Monica. We had a two hour non-stop gab.....I love those girls! At one point I had to smile....Conversations were going every direction....Diane and I would be talking across the table at the same time as Caroline and Monica were talking, then we'd switch it up and Caroline and Diane would have a go and Monica and I would chat....then we'd have a conversation where all four of us engaged. It was a hoot. One thing....there was not a moment of silence! Monica has been a real inspiration for me over this past year. She has been through a great deal with her own cancer and she has an amazing attitude. She is knowledgable beyond belief and has the philosophy that you need to be informed about your treatment and care. She has sent me a wealth of information and advice over the past year but more importantly lives her life fully. There is an expression "Live your life with eyes wide open!" That is definitely Monica!
Wandered around a few of the shops before heading home. It was a beautiful afternoon so I called up Jenifer and we headed over to Nose Hill to walk the dogs. The walk was a little more challenging than either of us needed. It was windy and snow had drifted so it was a bit of a slog, however, we did the full loop and had two happy dogs at the end of it.
Tomorrow I see my oncologist in the morning and will find out what his plan is for me from this point forward. As usual, feeling a little apprehensive. Not sure how he's going to feel about me leaving for Mexico on Monday! Hopefully, happy for me and not annoyed. I did try to call his office a couple of times last week to see if I could come in a week early especially if they were wanting to start my treatment but they did not get back to me. I know doctors are busy people but I do wish they would at least have someone return your calls, even if it's just their receptionist. Especially when you are told they will get back to you once they check with the doctor! I don't think they think about the anxiety they cause their patients when they don't respond. Yes, I realize I am just one of many patients and I also know that doctors are very busy people but I am not one of those people who call often and think I'm pretty low maintenance in the grand scheme of things. Oh well....will find out tomorrow......perhaps there were no spots for me to start my chemo last week, or perhaps he has just decided to start me when I get back. I do feel I could use a couple more weeks to bounce back from my surgery before getting hit with more chemo, however, I don't want to delay if there's a chance it will be harmful to my recovery.
I had arranged to write my photography exam this morning. I spent quite a bit of time yesterday cramming it in but there were a few concepts I just couldn't seem to get my head to absorb. It didn't matter how many times I went over just didn't settle in the old brain. So this morning, finished my breakfast and headed over to Sait. Found a parking spot right in front of the building where I was going which I thought was a good omen. You know how I'm into good luck etc. In any case, pulled out my notes and spent fifteen more minutes stuffing it all in. I think Kelli calls cramming like this "Stuff it and Flush it!" Found my instructors office and he handed me my test. It was printed on blue favourite colour! Another good omen I'm hoping. He then took me to a room around the corner and said to go ahead and bring it hack to him when I was done! I was pleasantly surprised and although I don't know what my grade was I'm pretty sure I'm not going to go down in history as the first person ever to fail the final exam in photography has been weighing on my mind.
I had many people ask me why I was even bothering to write it but I'm one of those people who had parents who always said that you had to finish the task you signed up for. I also raised my kids that way. If you signed up for something and didn't like it that was too had to see it through to the end before you had the option of deciding whether or not you wished to continue on. The only activity that we ever really had problems with was power skating. We always signed Geoff up for power skating with his friend Trevor. Both boys were on the small side and played fairly high level hockey so we figured it was important they could skate fast so they wouldn't get nailed by the bigger boys. A girl named Deanna used to teach the class and it was an hour of gruelling work! It kind of went against Geoff's philosophy that anything he did he wanted to enjoy and it had to be fun. Trevor was a little the same way and the fact that the class was early Saturday mornings didn't help sell it either! Trevor didn't resists as much as Geoff but I think both boys would have dearly loved to have ditched that class and slept in Saturday mornings! It was one, however, that, as parents, we thought it was an important survival skill to be able to skate well so we signed them up for several rounds in spite of the protest vote! Sorry Geoff but it did save your bacon.....well at least some of your bacon!
From Sait I headed down to Kensington to meet up for lunch with Diane, Caroline and Monica. We had a two hour non-stop gab.....I love those girls! At one point I had to smile....Conversations were going every direction....Diane and I would be talking across the table at the same time as Caroline and Monica were talking, then we'd switch it up and Caroline and Diane would have a go and Monica and I would chat....then we'd have a conversation where all four of us engaged. It was a hoot. One thing....there was not a moment of silence! Monica has been a real inspiration for me over this past year. She has been through a great deal with her own cancer and she has an amazing attitude. She is knowledgable beyond belief and has the philosophy that you need to be informed about your treatment and care. She has sent me a wealth of information and advice over the past year but more importantly lives her life fully. There is an expression "Live your life with eyes wide open!" That is definitely Monica!
Wandered around a few of the shops before heading home. It was a beautiful afternoon so I called up Jenifer and we headed over to Nose Hill to walk the dogs. The walk was a little more challenging than either of us needed. It was windy and snow had drifted so it was a bit of a slog, however, we did the full loop and had two happy dogs at the end of it.
Tomorrow I see my oncologist in the morning and will find out what his plan is for me from this point forward. As usual, feeling a little apprehensive. Not sure how he's going to feel about me leaving for Mexico on Monday! Hopefully, happy for me and not annoyed. I did try to call his office a couple of times last week to see if I could come in a week early especially if they were wanting to start my treatment but they did not get back to me. I know doctors are busy people but I do wish they would at least have someone return your calls, even if it's just their receptionist. Especially when you are told they will get back to you once they check with the doctor! I don't think they think about the anxiety they cause their patients when they don't respond. Yes, I realize I am just one of many patients and I also know that doctors are very busy people but I am not one of those people who call often and think I'm pretty low maintenance in the grand scheme of things. Oh well....will find out tomorrow......perhaps there were no spots for me to start my chemo last week, or perhaps he has just decided to start me when I get back. I do feel I could use a couple more weeks to bounce back from my surgery before getting hit with more chemo, however, I don't want to delay if there's a chance it will be harmful to my recovery.
Monday, 14 January 2013
No cross country skiing today! Just couldn't face the battle. We did head down for a walk and saw skiers down there who Boomer didn't even give a second glance to. Funny dog.
Went and got my toes done for Mexico today. We leave a week from today! As always I have this feeling of tentativeness.....always fearful something will come up and I won't be able to go. No reason to think that but it happens before every trip. I really don't breath easy until I'm strapped into my seat on the plane. This time is no different.
Today I also cracked out my photography course notes and spent some time studying. Brenda wrote the test a few weeks ago when I was in hospital and passed it! This adds pressure on me as our instructor informed us on the last class that NOBODY had ever failed the final exam in this course. How awful would it be to be the first to do so?!!! I'm just a tad nervous about taking claim to fame on this one! I will tell you this the event I don't pass, I won't be publishing it in my blog!
On that note....I think I'll go review my notes one more time Wish me luck!
Went and got my toes done for Mexico today. We leave a week from today! As always I have this feeling of tentativeness.....always fearful something will come up and I won't be able to go. No reason to think that but it happens before every trip. I really don't breath easy until I'm strapped into my seat on the plane. This time is no different.
Today I also cracked out my photography course notes and spent some time studying. Brenda wrote the test a few weeks ago when I was in hospital and passed it! This adds pressure on me as our instructor informed us on the last class that NOBODY had ever failed the final exam in this course. How awful would it be to be the first to do so?!!! I'm just a tad nervous about taking claim to fame on this one! I will tell you this the event I don't pass, I won't be publishing it in my blog!
On that note....I think I'll go review my notes one more time Wish me luck!
Sunday, 13 January 2013
Have had a busy day. Got up and decided to hit the work out room early today. Did my bike ride and had my steam (the best part of the workout). Wandered down to the badminton courts and visited with some of my badminton buddies. I think it's the first time I've seen them in over a year. Just haven't gone is funny how you tend to avoid things you really miss but once you negotiate the hurdle it gets much easier. Don't think I'll be so hesitant to go there again, although I don't think badminton is in my "things I can do" zone yet.
Came home and had lunch then decided I would dust off those x-country skis and give it a try.'s been awhile since I've been on them (a while being years.....) and they aren't the best skis.....are you getting the feeling I'm making some excuses here!? Had my first wipe out in the back yard putting the silly things on. Finally got them on and headed out back to the ravine. Boomer couldn't figure out what the heck I was doing. He was quite alarmed that I was moving faster than I have in a long time and kept leaping in front of me. Not too much of a problem til we hit the hill going down. Here I was picking up speed and he was dancing around in front of me. I was pretty sure I was going to take him out and wham.....wipe out number two which was quite a bit more of a wipe out than the first one! I'm sure anyone looking out their back windows was enjoying the show tremendously. Good one hurt....bad news....I'm annoyed! We have seen skiers in the ravine all week and he hasn't even given them a sideways look but as soon as I put on the skis it's a whole new story. It's just like taking him to the beach. He doesn't even give swimmers the time of day until the swimmer is me and then it becomes time for Boomer to save Leslie.....the problem being that instead of saving me he practically drowns me as he comes at me with front legs splashing and that look of panic in his eye! Skiing, apparently, brings on the same response. He definitely lacks confidence in my ability to move with boards attached to my feet. We continued down the ravine with him still bouncing around in front of me and stepping on the both the fronts and backs of my skis resulting in wipeout #3. It's around about now I'm ready to kill him. I have tried the firm approach...."No....leave it...stop it!....No!" None of those commands (which, by the way, he knows) are working so I decided to try a different tactic. "Boomer.....where's a stick?"....hoping he'd gallop away and go look for a stick as he does when we are walking. Ah but I'm not thinking like a the eyes of a labrador ski poles are nothing but big sticks and I happen to have one in each hand so he bounds over to me with great delight and grabs one of my poles and gives it a nice big tug. Wham....wipe out #4. He might be a great walking companion but he is failing miserably on the ski companion front. We continue on, reach the turn around and start heading back up the hill. He is finally getting tired and is becoming a bit less of a nuisance but I am definitely hoping the expression "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" is not true. This might be a job for the dog whisperer! A good workout for both of us and one we are definitely going to have to work on.
Now back inside and thinking about getting dinner started. Think I am going to sleep well tonight!
Came home and had lunch then decided I would dust off those x-country skis and give it a try.'s been awhile since I've been on them (a while being years.....) and they aren't the best skis.....are you getting the feeling I'm making some excuses here!? Had my first wipe out in the back yard putting the silly things on. Finally got them on and headed out back to the ravine. Boomer couldn't figure out what the heck I was doing. He was quite alarmed that I was moving faster than I have in a long time and kept leaping in front of me. Not too much of a problem til we hit the hill going down. Here I was picking up speed and he was dancing around in front of me. I was pretty sure I was going to take him out and wham.....wipe out number two which was quite a bit more of a wipe out than the first one! I'm sure anyone looking out their back windows was enjoying the show tremendously. Good one hurt....bad news....I'm annoyed! We have seen skiers in the ravine all week and he hasn't even given them a sideways look but as soon as I put on the skis it's a whole new story. It's just like taking him to the beach. He doesn't even give swimmers the time of day until the swimmer is me and then it becomes time for Boomer to save Leslie.....the problem being that instead of saving me he practically drowns me as he comes at me with front legs splashing and that look of panic in his eye! Skiing, apparently, brings on the same response. He definitely lacks confidence in my ability to move with boards attached to my feet. We continued down the ravine with him still bouncing around in front of me and stepping on the both the fronts and backs of my skis resulting in wipeout #3. It's around about now I'm ready to kill him. I have tried the firm approach...."No....leave it...stop it!....No!" None of those commands (which, by the way, he knows) are working so I decided to try a different tactic. "Boomer.....where's a stick?"....hoping he'd gallop away and go look for a stick as he does when we are walking. Ah but I'm not thinking like a the eyes of a labrador ski poles are nothing but big sticks and I happen to have one in each hand so he bounds over to me with great delight and grabs one of my poles and gives it a nice big tug. Wham....wipe out #4. He might be a great walking companion but he is failing miserably on the ski companion front. We continue on, reach the turn around and start heading back up the hill. He is finally getting tired and is becoming a bit less of a nuisance but I am definitely hoping the expression "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" is not true. This might be a job for the dog whisperer! A good workout for both of us and one we are definitely going to have to work on.
Now back inside and thinking about getting dinner started. Think I am going to sleep well tonight!
Saturday, 12 January 2013
It's just been one of those days that seems a little non-productive. I've been for a couple of walks down in the ravine with Boomer and have noticed that Jan and Clint have set a cross country ski track down there. I'm thinking if tomorrow is like today I may haul out my cross country skis and give it a go. I honestly think that skiing down there would be easier than walking at the moment. There is so much snow it is really a bit of a slog.
I did get to Costco to pick up my sunflower picture and was going to pick a couple of things up but thought differently once I was in the store. I have NEVER seen it like it was today. People were lined up from the cashier checkout all the way down to the meat department! I am not exaggerating! It was mind boggling and needless to say I decided those couple of items could wait. There was no way I was going to line up like that.
Kathy dropped by to pick up my boots. Lucky girl gets to do a bottle drive tomorrow for her daughters soccer team. Oh how I miss the days of bottle drives and bingos.....NOT!!!! I had given her a golf club for christmas but wrongly thought a lefty would need a lefty club.....not so. Although left handed, she golfs right handed. How strange is that! We have played together many times but when I bought the club I had this nagging feeling I may have bought the wrong one, which is exactly what happened. In any case took I took it back to Golf Town today for an exchange and ended up wandering around thinking about what I would like to buy for myself. Fortunately, retail therapy. Must be the post Christmas hangover! I'm shopped out and it's hard to even contemplate golf with the weather what it is right now.
Skipped my workout today. I was up to the club yesterday and as usual the fitness facility was hopping. I had to laugh, I was chatting to Kelli's badminton coach and he said his New Years resolution this year was to not start working out until February when everyone else would have given up their resolutions. How true is that one!!! It's like that every year. January is busier beyond belief and then February rolls around and things get back to normal.
10 days til we leave for Mexico. I'm really looking forward to skipping out on winter for a bit. I see my oncologist this week. Hoping he doesn't want to give me a round of's on my mind a lot at the moment. Oh'll be what it is....
I did get to Costco to pick up my sunflower picture and was going to pick a couple of things up but thought differently once I was in the store. I have NEVER seen it like it was today. People were lined up from the cashier checkout all the way down to the meat department! I am not exaggerating! It was mind boggling and needless to say I decided those couple of items could wait. There was no way I was going to line up like that.
Kathy dropped by to pick up my boots. Lucky girl gets to do a bottle drive tomorrow for her daughters soccer team. Oh how I miss the days of bottle drives and bingos.....NOT!!!! I had given her a golf club for christmas but wrongly thought a lefty would need a lefty club.....not so. Although left handed, she golfs right handed. How strange is that! We have played together many times but when I bought the club I had this nagging feeling I may have bought the wrong one, which is exactly what happened. In any case took I took it back to Golf Town today for an exchange and ended up wandering around thinking about what I would like to buy for myself. Fortunately, retail therapy. Must be the post Christmas hangover! I'm shopped out and it's hard to even contemplate golf with the weather what it is right now.
Skipped my workout today. I was up to the club yesterday and as usual the fitness facility was hopping. I had to laugh, I was chatting to Kelli's badminton coach and he said his New Years resolution this year was to not start working out until February when everyone else would have given up their resolutions. How true is that one!!! It's like that every year. January is busier beyond belief and then February rolls around and things get back to normal.
10 days til we leave for Mexico. I'm really looking forward to skipping out on winter for a bit. I see my oncologist this week. Hoping he doesn't want to give me a round of's on my mind a lot at the moment. Oh'll be what it is....
Friday, 11 January 2013
Reason, Season, or Lifetime
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you figure out which one it is,
you will know what to do for each person.
When someone is in your life for a REASON,
it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty;
to provide you with guidance and support;
to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend, and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON,
because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it. It is real. But only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons;
things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person,
and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
— Unknown
My friend Marian always talked about friendships in terms of reason, season or lifetime friendships and I have come to view the notion of friendship in just this way. However, having said that my perspective has changed somewhat over this past year. I, like most of us, had friends in all categories but have learned that you really can't compartmentalize your friendships this way. I have many "lifetime friends". Friends who I have had for a long time, friends I am in frequent contact with, friends who are there for me and I for them, friends who I know I can count on and they can count on me no matter what. Friends who I have a long and interesting history with. Friends who I have shared both joys and sorrows with. I have also had many reason and season friends but amazingly, many of these friends who I have lost contact with over the years have come back into my life. Season friends now have become reason friends and both reason and season friends will probably remain lifetime friends. I have often marvelled about how technology for someone like me, the person who has many technological challenges, has allowed me to reconnect with so many people. Through email, my blog and yes, even facebook which I always vowed I would NEVER participate in, I have been able to reconnect and stay connected with so many of you who have brought me so many smiles and words of encouragement. People often tell me that I inspire them to live their lives fully and to appreciate everything precious in their lives, but this goes two ways. When you tell me these things it reinforces me to carry on because I know many of you out there have made significant changes to your own lifestyles. You inspire me too!!!
Yesterday I had the funniest message from my friend Carol who I mentioned a few days ago. I'm sure she won't mind me sharing her message with you even though I could possibly be arrested!!! Keep in mind I loved her boys......they were the most amazing kids to teach. Athletic, full of fun and just plain good kids who I knew would grow into good adults! Enjoy....brought a smile to my face that's for sure!!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Monday, January 7":
Leslie, you have to remember that the boys had to be good (at school) as you reminded them that you had seen them (when they were just wee lads) "naked" in the Ladies locker room at CWC!!!!!!!! I think it went " You guy's can't call me Leslie any more and you best be good or I will let everyone know I've seen you naked!" LOL
Leslie, you have to remember that the boys had to be good (at school) as you reminded them that you had seen them (when they were just wee lads) "naked" in the Ladies locker room at CWC!!!!!!!! I think it went " You guy's can't call me Leslie any more and you best be good or I will let everyone know I've seen you naked!" LOL
Thursday, 10 January 2013
This weather is not endearing me to winter. Yes, I guess if you are a skier you are over the moon with this. Geoff and his buddies headed up to Lake Louise this morning. Hope the highway drivers were better than the city drivers. I heard a guy on the radio say this morning "What is it about a snowfall that makes everyone forget how to drive?" How true. We were out and about this morning and could not believe how many people could not stay in their lane. One woman actually veered into our lane and we had to pull over and hit the drift on the side of John Laurier. I don't even think she knew what she had done but if we hadn't of moved she would have most certainly have hit us!
Did a little running around and then hit the Winter Club for my version of a "workout". Thirty-five minutes on the stationary bike and 30 minutes in the steam room! A far cry from what a workout used to be but still has the same endorphin effect on me! Felt great to sweat and puff a little! Bill had his workout then came home to tackle the shovelling. Now he's off to shovel his Mom and Dad's sidewalks so he's certainly getting his share of exercise today. Both of us are looking at this and thinking some beach time in Mexico is going to be great! Had an email from my friend Maureen this morning. They have had two baby whales born right off Kamole Beach in the past couple of days! How cool is that!?
You can see the mother whale between the white buoy and the palm tree. Apparently the coast guard has been out keeping curious people at bay who are too anxious to get too close. I ask myself where in heaven's name is their common sense on this one!
I have had so many people laughing in disbelief at some of my "career highlights" I just have to share one more with you. Actually this one is a little more current and happened at Ranchlands a few years back. Our staff meetings happened on Friday afternoons. I was planning to head up to the lake to spend the weekend with my Dad and in order to speed up my exit from the city I decided to pick Boomer up over the noon hour and bring him back to the school. I snuck him through the gym and into my office where I left him while I went to the meeting. He's not a barker so I wasn't too worried about him being discovered. Hmmmm......what I did forget about was the fact that our caretaking staff would be cleaning. Michael, one of my favourite caretakers opened my office to get the garbage and was shocked when a big black dog came streaking out the door. Michael I might add is terrified of dogs so this was not a good thing! I am forever grateful he did not have a heart attack! Boomer could hear voices in the library, so being the social boy he is he literally frolicked into the meeting and proceeded to bound around the room greeting everyone with the unbridled enthusiasm he always greets people with. Kevin, our principal was stunned. He said, or I maybe should say yelled "Where did that dog come from?" I was sitting in the back row doing what I normally did at staff meetings.....(visiting my happy place) when I realized what was happening. At first I wanted to just sit there and pretend I had no idea where THAT DOG came from but many of the staff knew who Boomer was and there was no escaping this one. Jumped out of my chair apologizing profusely but definitely was in the dog house along with my dog that day! No attagirls for me that day, that's for sure!
Hoping all of you who braved the highways to get to the ski hills today had awesome snow conditions!!! For me.....just a little too chilly I'm afraid! I'm a spring skier! So if you are a skier or a boarder you have to watch the youtube video I posted on Facebook. It is pretty funny! I tried to add it to this blog but don't have a lot of luck with videos so apologies to those of you who can't access Facebook.
Did a little running around and then hit the Winter Club for my version of a "workout". Thirty-five minutes on the stationary bike and 30 minutes in the steam room! A far cry from what a workout used to be but still has the same endorphin effect on me! Felt great to sweat and puff a little! Bill had his workout then came home to tackle the shovelling. Now he's off to shovel his Mom and Dad's sidewalks so he's certainly getting his share of exercise today. Both of us are looking at this and thinking some beach time in Mexico is going to be great! Had an email from my friend Maureen this morning. They have had two baby whales born right off Kamole Beach in the past couple of days! How cool is that!?
You can see the mother whale between the white buoy and the palm tree. Apparently the coast guard has been out keeping curious people at bay who are too anxious to get too close. I ask myself where in heaven's name is their common sense on this one!
I have had so many people laughing in disbelief at some of my "career highlights" I just have to share one more with you. Actually this one is a little more current and happened at Ranchlands a few years back. Our staff meetings happened on Friday afternoons. I was planning to head up to the lake to spend the weekend with my Dad and in order to speed up my exit from the city I decided to pick Boomer up over the noon hour and bring him back to the school. I snuck him through the gym and into my office where I left him while I went to the meeting. He's not a barker so I wasn't too worried about him being discovered. Hmmmm......what I did forget about was the fact that our caretaking staff would be cleaning. Michael, one of my favourite caretakers opened my office to get the garbage and was shocked when a big black dog came streaking out the door. Michael I might add is terrified of dogs so this was not a good thing! I am forever grateful he did not have a heart attack! Boomer could hear voices in the library, so being the social boy he is he literally frolicked into the meeting and proceeded to bound around the room greeting everyone with the unbridled enthusiasm he always greets people with. Kevin, our principal was stunned. He said, or I maybe should say yelled "Where did that dog come from?" I was sitting in the back row doing what I normally did at staff meetings.....(visiting my happy place) when I realized what was happening. At first I wanted to just sit there and pretend I had no idea where THAT DOG came from but many of the staff knew who Boomer was and there was no escaping this one. Jumped out of my chair apologizing profusely but definitely was in the dog house along with my dog that day! No attagirls for me that day, that's for sure!
Hoping all of you who braved the highways to get to the ski hills today had awesome snow conditions!!! For me.....just a little too chilly I'm afraid! I'm a spring skier! So if you are a skier or a boarder you have to watch the youtube video I posted on Facebook. It is pretty funny! I tried to add it to this blog but don't have a lot of luck with videos so apologies to those of you who can't access Facebook.
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Today we drove to Edmonton for my surgery follow up appointment. Arrived around 1:00 for my 1:15 appointment. Really wasn't expecting any "bad" news but am finding that any and all doctors appointments, scans and tests, even bloodwork are causing me angst! I think they call it white coat syndrome. We arrived at the clinic and were placed in an examining room to see Dr. Knedeman. My toes started to tap, my foot was vibrating and I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate. Weird....and I have no control over this. Bill said it was to bad there wasn't a stationary bike in the waiting room that I could ride. Exercise has always been my go to when I'm stressing. Finally the medical student came in to do the preliminary work up. He left the room and in came my surgeon. He asked me a few questions, told me no weight training for another couple of weeks, looked at a little bump I had along my incision and reviewed the pathology report. All news was good. The margins on the surgery were very good, the bump is just an suture that will dissolve in time and he was pleased that I was active and looking good for three weeks post op. Ahhh......breathe! We left the office and I turned to Bill and said "I like that doctor!"....Bill had a point. It's easy to like a doctor who gives you pretty good news. So next step is my appointment with the oncologist next week to determine what my next round of chemo will look like and when it will start. I am crossing my fingers that he will be OK with starting when I get back from Mexico but if not I will go ahead and have it before we leave.
On the way back from Edmonton I got an email from Kelli. Each year the first year Med students do a fund raiser for Cancer. This year they have donated a portion of the money they have raised towards GI research. They have asked Kelli if she and I would be willing to speak at their head shave event. Of course I am nervous about this but feel I need to acknowledge the wonderful work those students have done. I also want to acknowledge the support I have thrived upon from family, friends and a medical system that has been there for me every step of the way. We'll see how I do speaking to a group of students older than eleven. Maybe I'll just pretend they're eleven not young adults! Kind of like visualizing your audience naked!
Geoff and Lindsey just got back from Revelstoke tonight! The skiing was amazing. Geoff is so stoked he's heading off to Lake Louise tomorrow. He said it was just dumping all the way home. If it was going to be warmer than minus 16 I'd even think about going! So we forge ahead with our eye on the prize. A healthy, cancer free future! It's within my reach.....I truly believe this!
On the way back from Edmonton I got an email from Kelli. Each year the first year Med students do a fund raiser for Cancer. This year they have donated a portion of the money they have raised towards GI research. They have asked Kelli if she and I would be willing to speak at their head shave event. Of course I am nervous about this but feel I need to acknowledge the wonderful work those students have done. I also want to acknowledge the support I have thrived upon from family, friends and a medical system that has been there for me every step of the way. We'll see how I do speaking to a group of students older than eleven. Maybe I'll just pretend they're eleven not young adults! Kind of like visualizing your audience naked!
Geoff and Lindsey just got back from Revelstoke tonight! The skiing was amazing. Geoff is so stoked he's heading off to Lake Louise tomorrow. He said it was just dumping all the way home. If it was going to be warmer than minus 16 I'd even think about going! So we forge ahead with our eye on the prize. A healthy, cancer free future! It's within my reach.....I truly believe this!
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Have had a quiet morning and am going to head up to the Winter Club for a bit of a stationary bike ride and a steam. The wind is chilly out there today so am thinking Nose Hill might not be in the cards for the puppies today!
I had several emails from people who seemed to enjoy my stories from yesterday and you know that those positive reinforcements just lead to more of the same so thought I'd share a few more humorous stories about my early teaching days.
Back to Junior High School.....I arrived on my first day in my brand new track suit feeling pretty proud that I had snagged this job. I was traipsing around the school when a kid stopped me and asked if I was in Grade 7 or grade 8! "Duhhh....I am the teacher!" How humbling is that for a start!
I think I mentioned yesterday that Sir John A. MacDonald was a pretty high needs school in those days....probably still is is my guess. We had lots of discipline issues and the kids were challenging to say the least. I remember one day hauling a kid out of the gym. I don't remember what he had done but I had had it with him. I escorted him to the main office and sat him in the xerox room, told him to stay there until I came back, and shut the door and left. Finished off my afternoon, did my prep for the next day and went home. Around about 5:45 PM my home phone rang. It was the assistant principal. He had just discovered this kid in the xerox room and wanted to know if he could send him home. Oh boy....I should have been totally lynched on that one but somehow it totally flew under the radar. I suspect the kid never mentioned to his parents what had happened.
At Sir John A. MacDonald most of us had to teach an option unrelated to our teaching assignment. It could be pretty much anything you were interested in. How I picked what I did I cannot recollect but it was a weird choice that's for sure. I, who had never even shot a gun and had never been hunting in my life decided I would teach a Hunter Training Course. This involved some book work where we studied various birds and wild life, learned how to use a compass and to do orienteering, and learned some basic survival techniques. I had quite a full class of both boys and girls and we threw ourselves into the theory part of the course looking forward to the culminating activity which was a winter survival camping trip to the Hunter Training site out near Caroline. I had never learned to drive the school bus so the social studies teacher was going to come with me and be our driver. When the time came to get organized to go to camp I had to have a parent information night. Now remember, this was my first year teaching. I think I was about 22 years old at the time. A few parents attended the meeting to hear what we would be doing at camp. One Dad expressed concern over the fact that we would be using firearms. I remember looking at him in total amazement and saying "We aren't going to be shooting each other....we're doing target practice on clay pigeons!" Honestly, if a parent had said that to me and was planning to take my kid to camp, I wouldn't have let him go! So we drove to Caroline. The kids built lean toos out of trees and sheets of plastic. They cooked their meals over open fires. Some of them had never cooked a thing in their entire lives. We shot guns at clay pigeons and did target shooting and we did some orienteering. The camp was a total blast. The social studies teacher, my girlfriend Kathy and my dog all shared a lean to. I'm sure the parents would have found that interesting that two different sexed teachers were sleeping together in the same shelter! Thank goodness Kathy and the dog were there! Many years later I ran into one of the students who had been on that camping adventure. He was grown up and was a driver for Calgary transit. He told me that of all the things he had ever done at school that was totally the best!!! In those days we didn't have the same restrictions as we do now. I would never get away with going to a camp and doing those things now a days nor would I even consider it, however, having said that the freedoms we had in the good ol' days often really allowed us the opportunity to really connect to kids on a different level. I used to drive my students everywhere. I often would take them out for an ice cream cone or lunch. This is something teachers can no longer do as we are not supposed to drive students in our cars and there is always that huge liability cloud hanging over absolutely everything you do. Heck...we're not even supposed to give them any treats that aren't on the CBE's Healthy Eating List! How times have changed!
For years I used to organize the after school ski program. I loved it. It was a week where many kids who had never had an opportunity to ski or snow board got to do so. I remember one year deciding that COP was a boring place to ski and maybe I'd join the kids in a snow boarding class. I am a pretty decent skier but just because you can do one, does not mean you will pick up the other easily. I attached myself to a group of snowboarding grade 5 and 6's. They picked it up instantly and by day two almost all of them were negotiating the hill with turns and stops. That is everyone in the group, except for me. I could turn left but not right. I did not like the fact that my feet were attached to the board and would not release when I wiped out which made me tentative and pokey. By day three the kids were chomping the bit to go all the way to the top. Our instructor, a good looking 18 or 19 year old guy, looked pointedly at me and said "We cannot go to the top until EVERYONE can turn both directions and stop!" Every head in the class swivelled in my direction with looks that said "Why do we have to have you in our group?" So.... on day 4, I purposefully stalled and arrived late, hoping the class would go out without me. I felt bad holding them back and had decided I needed to just go practice off somewhere by myself. No such luck. The instructor had pulled my equipment for me and was waiting for my arrival as were the impatient kids. So off I went but miraculously that evening it all came together and I finally learned to do what I needed to do so that the class received permission to go to the top. I did learn to snowboard that year, although honestly I never took to it like I do to skiing and have not tried it since.
After a few years of teaching Junior High I made the decision to move down to the elementary level. When you are a Junior High PE specialist you coach every team around. You start in the early mornings with practices and there are many evenings when you are driving kids to other schools for games and then taking them home afterwards. There were no concerns in those days about teachers transporting kids. It wasn't uncommon to put in 12+ hours a day. After a few years of this and after I got married I decided I would give elementary age kids a go. I applied and got the job at Collingwood, however I was only half time PE and half time classroom. I'll never forget the first day of school looking out at a class of grade 5 students sitting in their desks and thinking to myself what the heck am I going to do with them? i had zero classroom experience. Believe you me it was a steep learning curve.and to this day I have the upmost respect for the work a classroom teacher does! It is not an easy job and those good at their jobs tend to make it look way more effortless than it is. After a couple of years at Collingwood I moved to Beddington Heights where I continued to have a small classroom assignment and much to my delight more time in the gym. I remember getting a student in my class who was deemed to have some psychological issues. I was still pretty young and a little naive and thought I could save every kid. I took him under my wing determined that I would be the one to turn him around. It was around this time that I was expecting Geoff. It was a cold winter day near the end of my term. I was big and uncomfortable and anxious to pop this baby out and get my old body back. I was in the classroom and the kids were quietly working on an art project when this particular boy yelled that he smelled fire. He then pulled open the desk drawer next to him and the papers flared up into a small bonfire. I leapt up from my desk, grabbed the flaming desk drawer which was also spewing a toxic black material from the melting plastic drawer and ran outside with my whole class following behind to dump the drawer in the snow. At first the kid was the hero until we figured out that it was in fact he who had lit the desk on fire! There were many other incidents with this boy and he was eventually expelled from our school For years I have expected to see his name in the paper attached to some crime. He was such a disturbed kid!
Speaking of was 1988 when my own kids almost lit Cambrian Heights on fire. I had gone in on a weekend to get some things prepared for a winter olympics sports event we were going to have to celebrate the winter olympics. I took Kelli and Geoff with me. I was in the teachers workroom and they were back and forth between there and my office. Kelli was 3 at the time and Geoff was 5. Kelli always had a bit of a speech problem. We often had to have Geoff translate for us as he was the only one who could understand her chatter. In any case....she kept running into the teachers workroom, excitedly telling me something but I didn't have a clue what she was saying. I just kept nodding and smiling and she would race back to my office which was just around the corner. After several of these little interchanges I thought I could smell smoke. Just then Kelli came racing back in to the workroom and this time I really listened. She said "Geoff lighted de fire and I blowed it out!" I raced to my office just in time to see the contents of my garbage can flare up. I had left a box of matches on my desk that we had used when we did the torch run between schools. Kelli and Geoff had discovered them and were having a great time. I must say I rarely spanked my kids when they were growing up but that is one day that they both got their butts paddled! I think they both still remember this event to this day!
So tomorrow we head to Edmonton for my follow up appointment. Have been trying to get a hold of the oncologist to see when he wants to start my "mop up chemo" I am really hoping they will wait until I get back from Mexico but if not I'd like to get it in this week so I have a few days to bounce back before we leave! As usual...having trouble getting anyone to return calls so will just have to wait and see.
I had several emails from people who seemed to enjoy my stories from yesterday and you know that those positive reinforcements just lead to more of the same so thought I'd share a few more humorous stories about my early teaching days.
Back to Junior High School.....I arrived on my first day in my brand new track suit feeling pretty proud that I had snagged this job. I was traipsing around the school when a kid stopped me and asked if I was in Grade 7 or grade 8! "Duhhh....I am the teacher!" How humbling is that for a start!
I think I mentioned yesterday that Sir John A. MacDonald was a pretty high needs school in those days....probably still is is my guess. We had lots of discipline issues and the kids were challenging to say the least. I remember one day hauling a kid out of the gym. I don't remember what he had done but I had had it with him. I escorted him to the main office and sat him in the xerox room, told him to stay there until I came back, and shut the door and left. Finished off my afternoon, did my prep for the next day and went home. Around about 5:45 PM my home phone rang. It was the assistant principal. He had just discovered this kid in the xerox room and wanted to know if he could send him home. Oh boy....I should have been totally lynched on that one but somehow it totally flew under the radar. I suspect the kid never mentioned to his parents what had happened.
At Sir John A. MacDonald most of us had to teach an option unrelated to our teaching assignment. It could be pretty much anything you were interested in. How I picked what I did I cannot recollect but it was a weird choice that's for sure. I, who had never even shot a gun and had never been hunting in my life decided I would teach a Hunter Training Course. This involved some book work where we studied various birds and wild life, learned how to use a compass and to do orienteering, and learned some basic survival techniques. I had quite a full class of both boys and girls and we threw ourselves into the theory part of the course looking forward to the culminating activity which was a winter survival camping trip to the Hunter Training site out near Caroline. I had never learned to drive the school bus so the social studies teacher was going to come with me and be our driver. When the time came to get organized to go to camp I had to have a parent information night. Now remember, this was my first year teaching. I think I was about 22 years old at the time. A few parents attended the meeting to hear what we would be doing at camp. One Dad expressed concern over the fact that we would be using firearms. I remember looking at him in total amazement and saying "We aren't going to be shooting each other....we're doing target practice on clay pigeons!" Honestly, if a parent had said that to me and was planning to take my kid to camp, I wouldn't have let him go! So we drove to Caroline. The kids built lean toos out of trees and sheets of plastic. They cooked their meals over open fires. Some of them had never cooked a thing in their entire lives. We shot guns at clay pigeons and did target shooting and we did some orienteering. The camp was a total blast. The social studies teacher, my girlfriend Kathy and my dog all shared a lean to. I'm sure the parents would have found that interesting that two different sexed teachers were sleeping together in the same shelter! Thank goodness Kathy and the dog were there! Many years later I ran into one of the students who had been on that camping adventure. He was grown up and was a driver for Calgary transit. He told me that of all the things he had ever done at school that was totally the best!!! In those days we didn't have the same restrictions as we do now. I would never get away with going to a camp and doing those things now a days nor would I even consider it, however, having said that the freedoms we had in the good ol' days often really allowed us the opportunity to really connect to kids on a different level. I used to drive my students everywhere. I often would take them out for an ice cream cone or lunch. This is something teachers can no longer do as we are not supposed to drive students in our cars and there is always that huge liability cloud hanging over absolutely everything you do. Heck...we're not even supposed to give them any treats that aren't on the CBE's Healthy Eating List! How times have changed!
For years I used to organize the after school ski program. I loved it. It was a week where many kids who had never had an opportunity to ski or snow board got to do so. I remember one year deciding that COP was a boring place to ski and maybe I'd join the kids in a snow boarding class. I am a pretty decent skier but just because you can do one, does not mean you will pick up the other easily. I attached myself to a group of snowboarding grade 5 and 6's. They picked it up instantly and by day two almost all of them were negotiating the hill with turns and stops. That is everyone in the group, except for me. I could turn left but not right. I did not like the fact that my feet were attached to the board and would not release when I wiped out which made me tentative and pokey. By day three the kids were chomping the bit to go all the way to the top. Our instructor, a good looking 18 or 19 year old guy, looked pointedly at me and said "We cannot go to the top until EVERYONE can turn both directions and stop!" Every head in the class swivelled in my direction with looks that said "Why do we have to have you in our group?" So.... on day 4, I purposefully stalled and arrived late, hoping the class would go out without me. I felt bad holding them back and had decided I needed to just go practice off somewhere by myself. No such luck. The instructor had pulled my equipment for me and was waiting for my arrival as were the impatient kids. So off I went but miraculously that evening it all came together and I finally learned to do what I needed to do so that the class received permission to go to the top. I did learn to snowboard that year, although honestly I never took to it like I do to skiing and have not tried it since.
After a few years of teaching Junior High I made the decision to move down to the elementary level. When you are a Junior High PE specialist you coach every team around. You start in the early mornings with practices and there are many evenings when you are driving kids to other schools for games and then taking them home afterwards. There were no concerns in those days about teachers transporting kids. It wasn't uncommon to put in 12+ hours a day. After a few years of this and after I got married I decided I would give elementary age kids a go. I applied and got the job at Collingwood, however I was only half time PE and half time classroom. I'll never forget the first day of school looking out at a class of grade 5 students sitting in their desks and thinking to myself what the heck am I going to do with them? i had zero classroom experience. Believe you me it was a steep learning curve.and to this day I have the upmost respect for the work a classroom teacher does! It is not an easy job and those good at their jobs tend to make it look way more effortless than it is. After a couple of years at Collingwood I moved to Beddington Heights where I continued to have a small classroom assignment and much to my delight more time in the gym. I remember getting a student in my class who was deemed to have some psychological issues. I was still pretty young and a little naive and thought I could save every kid. I took him under my wing determined that I would be the one to turn him around. It was around this time that I was expecting Geoff. It was a cold winter day near the end of my term. I was big and uncomfortable and anxious to pop this baby out and get my old body back. I was in the classroom and the kids were quietly working on an art project when this particular boy yelled that he smelled fire. He then pulled open the desk drawer next to him and the papers flared up into a small bonfire. I leapt up from my desk, grabbed the flaming desk drawer which was also spewing a toxic black material from the melting plastic drawer and ran outside with my whole class following behind to dump the drawer in the snow. At first the kid was the hero until we figured out that it was in fact he who had lit the desk on fire! There were many other incidents with this boy and he was eventually expelled from our school For years I have expected to see his name in the paper attached to some crime. He was such a disturbed kid!
Speaking of was 1988 when my own kids almost lit Cambrian Heights on fire. I had gone in on a weekend to get some things prepared for a winter olympics sports event we were going to have to celebrate the winter olympics. I took Kelli and Geoff with me. I was in the teachers workroom and they were back and forth between there and my office. Kelli was 3 at the time and Geoff was 5. Kelli always had a bit of a speech problem. We often had to have Geoff translate for us as he was the only one who could understand her chatter. In any case....she kept running into the teachers workroom, excitedly telling me something but I didn't have a clue what she was saying. I just kept nodding and smiling and she would race back to my office which was just around the corner. After several of these little interchanges I thought I could smell smoke. Just then Kelli came racing back in to the workroom and this time I really listened. She said "Geoff lighted de fire and I blowed it out!" I raced to my office just in time to see the contents of my garbage can flare up. I had left a box of matches on my desk that we had used when we did the torch run between schools. Kelli and Geoff had discovered them and were having a great time. I must say I rarely spanked my kids when they were growing up but that is one day that they both got their butts paddled! I think they both still remember this event to this day!
So tomorrow we head to Edmonton for my follow up appointment. Have been trying to get a hold of the oncologist to see when he wants to start my "mop up chemo" I am really hoping they will wait until I get back from Mexico but if not I'd like to get it in this week so I have a few days to bounce back before we leave! As usual...having trouble getting anyone to return calls so will just have to wait and see.
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